At 16.28 15/07/01, Juan Carlos Conde wrote:
>This could help you:
>1) Be sure your soundcard is correctly configured: Execute "sndconfig".

it says it can't find sndconfig!

>2) About initially KDE sound. Go to "Control Centrel icon" in KDE bar.
>Then in "Index"          "Sound->Sound Server"        "General"
>Check "Start Sound Server aRts"
>If not sorry.

Already done.

>On Sat 14 Jul 2001 14:01, you wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I installed MDK 8 few days ago and I am very happy with it: Wine works,
> > StarOffice 5.2 too and so on.
> >
> > I have two problems at the moment:
> > the first time I launched XMMS it didn't started (it appeared for less
> > than a second in the taskbar but it quickly disappeared) and some apps
> > (mostly games) don't start at all (for example OpenUniverse).
> > I tried to update XMMS with Software Manger and now it starts but, when
> > I press the play button, all the program freezes. XMMS is set to use OSS
> > and, as mixer, the other than Yamaha mixer (I am writing from Windows
> > now). Since I read many post here so far, I looked also in the
> > "Services" configuration and I saw that "linux sound" or similar is
> > started at boot and it seems to work, while ALSA is set not to start at
> > boot and, even if I try to start it, it says "Alsa is not started".
> > Another little problem: initially KDE played a sound at logon, now not
> > anymore.
> >
> > Thank you very much
> >
> > Olaf Marzocchi
> >
> > P.S. Linux is going to became my first OS!
> >
> >
> > Configuration: Celeron 333A, 128 MB, 6+3 GB HD, Yamaha OPL3-SA3 ISA
> > soundcard, Realtek Ethernet, i740 video card running at 1024@16bpp,
> > Toshiba CD and LG 8080B CD-RW
> > hda1: win 98, hda5 Linux ReiserFS, hda6 swap; hdb1: FAT32 with datas
>Juan Carlos Conde          e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Valladolid (Spain)        Running Linux Mandrake 8.0
>Linux Registered User: 219425 -
>mensaje enviado desde
>emails (pop)-paginas web (espacio illimitado)-agenda-favoris (bookmarks)-foros

Thank you


Configuration: Celeron 333A, 128 MB, 6+3 GB HD, Yamaha OPL3-SA3 ISA 
soundcard, Realtek Ethernet, i740 video card running at 1024@16bpp, Toshiba 
CD and LG 8080B CD-RW
hda1: win 98, hda5 Linux ReiserFS, hda6 swap; hdb1: FAT32 with datas

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