Hey Civileme & folks,
Civileme, did you mean "attic" or "arctic" ??  :-)  
There is nowhere on earth that is safe. 

But for what it's worth people, all of this is simple, grade One, 
everyday business tactics.

Despite how you feel about Big Bill, he did one great thing for this 
He proved that you can get filthy rich - I mean FILTHY rich - without 
cornering the Wheat Market and starving families to death, or 
starting a good war to goose up the profits. 

Whatever is said about him he doesn't force anyone to do anything. 

Think about Genetically Modified Foods.  
Think about  forced fluoridation of water supplies.
Think about forced hah! - "immunisation" campaigns.

No, Big Bill is very annoying for his selling success, but he doesn't 
kill people without warning, or choice. 

Remember - we get exactly the government ( Multinational, NWO) we 
paid for.  We buy their products with our cash, inaction and silence. 


On Mon, 23 Jul 2001 03:16, you manipulated electrons to produce:
> On Saturday 21 July 2001 21:24, Robert wrote:
> > I tend to disagree....every MS users needs to know this.
> > rob
> Interesting and frightening.
> The mos frightening is their "sharred source"  Initiative.  If
> unwary open source coders sign up for a peek at the microsoft
> software, thereafter the companies they work for don't dare use
> them on open-source projects, because they'll be hauled into court
> for stealing microsoft ideas.  It doesn't matter if the claim is
> utter crap--Microsoft can afford to keep them in court longer than
> they can affiord to stay.  This reminds me of IBM tactics about
> 1977 or so.  They "poison" the opposition's workers.  It doesn't
> matter that we aren't about competing with them, they see us as a
> threat to be crushed.
> I am beginning to believe I should have stayed in the arctic.
> Civileme



Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

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