i used to get segmentation errors when using OpenGL - it was because i hadnt
installed the kernel properly - there is a shell script called nv check
which checks if everything is installed ok
get it at : http://www.lokigames.com/~heimdall/nvidia/nv_check.sh

just cd to the dir and type :
$ sh nv_check.sh

oh year - with rpms you may want to type :
$ rpm -i NV_GLX.blahblah.rpm --nodeps --force

this will force the install of rpms even if your system says it is already

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 5:09 PM
Subject: [newbie] nVidia drivers (again)

> I am wondering if I may be able to resolve the
> segmentation fault errors I am getting trying to run
> Chromium, or Tuxracer by changing to the nVidia 769
> drivers instead of using the 1251 drivers. Has anyone
> tried this to resolve the seg. fault problems?
> I have already made sure that I am not using KDM, I
> have tried booting into run level 3 and using startx,
> & I have tried using gdm. The black screen and seg.
> fault errors started after I tried to run BZflag and
> it locked up. No GL games have worked since.
> Also, what exactly is a segmentation fault?
> Thanks.
> TC
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