Hi Tiny,

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001 07:02, you manipulated electrons to produce:
> John,
> IMHO: you are spot-on with the intent and benevolence of your
> project.
> I have had to learn most of what I know from doccumentation,
> beginner to [self-described ;] expert... LOL
> I would love to help you in any way I can. As nearly a new
> immigrant to the Linux world, I have not yet been spoiled
> by intuitive knowlege... though I would love to get things
> done right.

Thanks Tiny,  the big need is for people who have survived the "early 
days"  and can tell us about the things that caught them out - 
"gotchas" as  I call them.  
The idea is not to produce YAM, but a guide book TO the Manuals. 
Little things like:  "x" program takes up to a minute to get its act 
together and gives no indication what it is doing... be patient. Do 
Or "The mysterious process of being able to enable the KDE Doc Search 
I REMEMBER bits of Fortran.  What you needed was someone to give you 
a glossary of terms - THEN with those magic passwords you could go 
.......... see? I forgot them.  Like "cron" from Unix. 

This *is* NEWBY land, so post them here and I can pick them up on the 
way through as the answers come in and add the wisdom to the pile. 
Which BTW, seems to be gravitating toward a flat database with good 
search capability.  It is going to have to be updatable every 20 
minutes it would seem..... 

The key solution guide to me is "GUI unless impossible" as the 


http://counter.li.org GO HERE IF YOU SUPPORT LINUX! 

Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

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