Check out Cooledit.


Randy Kramer wrote:
> I tried Kwrite, and it's not bad.  I switched to nedit because it has:
> -soft wrap (they call it continuous)
> -macros
> However, the search and replace in kwrite is nicer than that in nedit if
> you want to accept changes one at a time -- nedit doesn't highlight the
> "found" selection.  Also, kwrite looks a little slicker -- nedit uses
> what I think they call the "Motif" style.
> (Actually, I switch between nedit and kwrite (and jstar) depending on
> exactly what I'm doing.)
> Hope this helps,
> Randy Kramer
> Roger Sherman wrote:
> >
> > Try Kwrite (listed as Advanced Editor in the menu, under
> > Applications>Editors) might have to enable code highlighting, but it
> > does the job for me...
> >
> > On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, Kevin Fonner wrote:
> >
> > > I know I asked this question once and got some reponses but if it ok I
> > > would like to just check once more but being a little clearer.  Perhaps
> > > I am contaminated coming from the windows world but I like it when I am
> > > programming in a graphical editor and the editor colorizes on my code
> > > depending on whether it a comment or a function...  I have JBuilder and
> > > it works great for java code.  Are their any really good editors like
> > > this for C?  I tried emacs, and well... we just didn get along.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > >
> > >
> >
> > peace,
> >
> > Rog

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