Hey gang,

  <sigh>...I think I've really screwed up this time. I thought I'd go into
Drakfont, and remove a mess of fonts I never use. It was going real easy, but
apparently it went too easy. I figured I'd reboot just for the heck of it and
now, I can't get xwindows to start. Why?...heh...no font for it.
  I tried to fix things with 'upgrade', but that doesn't work, so now all I have
is the cli staring me in the face, but can't get into xwindows.
  Does anyone out there feel like holding my hand and walking me through a fix or
am I best off just reinstalling? (I hope I don't have to reinstall...I've got a
few e-mails saved and I really need to have them, and I haven't figured out how
to do backups with Linux yet...yes, I've read man dump, man tar, man etc,
etc...too technical(?) to understand, for me at least)
  Thanks for any help, y'all be good,


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 28/07/2001

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