sure you can use a "relative" path from the same directory where the index 
file resides if you write <a 
href="";>, and the page is in 
your folder /var/www/html, you could just write <a 

might I make another suggestion, I am on a mail list from wired magazine 
( called webmonkey, lots of links to what I think you might 
call neat.  

On Wednesday 01 August 2001 21:35, you had thoughts to the concept of:
> If it wasn't for bad luck, well you know the rest. For 4 months now (the
> entire time I have had roadrunner) I have had the exact same IP number. Now
> RoadRunner decided they wanted to change it I guess. So now my .html files
> all have the wrong links on them. Am I gonna have to edit my html files
> (for apache) everytime they change my IP or is there a way around this?

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