> Dear support,
> I have installed in my computer (Pentium III – 933 MHz –
> 1Gb of RAM memory) the Mandrake 8.0, and I mainly
> interested to use the compilers C and Fortran, but as I am
> a Linux beginner, I have faced the following problems:
> 1) The Fortran compiler can “see” until 512MB of RAM memory
> but in my applications I need to use all the RAM memory
> available in my computer. When I install the computer code
> (Monte Carlo MCNP) I have to install it informing all the
> RAM memory that the calculations will need to use, and an
> error message appear: “this ram memory allocation is to
> large to manager”!!! (you can believe me: I need 1Gb!)
> 2) The Linux can “see” only 896MB of RAM memory. If you
> know anything about this Linux RAM memory limitation,
> please give some hints to solve also this problem (I have
> already tried the option “mem=1024M”....something like that
> in the liloconf....did not work!)
> Thanks in advance for your attention,
> Aneuri de Amorim (Ph.D. student)
> Laboratório de Ciencias Radiológicas - LCR
> Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
> Rua São Francisco Xavier 524
> Pavilhão Haroldo Lisboa da Cunha – sala 136
> CEP.:20550-013 - Rio de Janeiro – RJ -Brazil
> http://unimail.unisys.com.br

Aneuri....install the enterprise kernel for any memory over 
800 mb, it's on CD2 (kernel-enterprise-2.4.3-20mdk.i586.rpm). 

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