If you're running a cable modem you have a static IP for the moment.
They may change it later, but usually they wait a few months.

As root, run this command.

[root@r2d2 /root]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd status

Apache is running.
httpd: 25635 25634 20976 20975 19872 19871 19870 19869 1095

Apache-mod_perl is running.
httpd-perl: 1090 1089 1088 1087 1080

Use /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd extendedstatus for more information.

If you get something like that, then you're Apache server is running.
Then run this comamnd.

[root@r2d2 /root]# ifconfig eth0 | grep inet | awk '{print $2}'

Plugg the above xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx in your browser, from there you should
get the default Apache page.

You can put your HTML in /var/www/html or you can do this:

[$USER@r2d2 $USER]$ mkdir public_html
[$USER@r2d2 $USER]$ cd ..
[$USER@r2d2 /home]$ chmod 0755 $USER/ $USER/public_html/

>From there copy your HTML and images to $HOME/public_html and then
access them at http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/~$USER

Give that a try and let us know how it went.

T. Holmes
"Real Men Use Vi!"

 10:05am  up 3 days, 21:00,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

| Hello Guys
| I just got a cable modem and I would like to check the
| site that I am working from school (i.e. show it to my
| professor) how can I set up my http server to do that?
| =====
| Regards,
| OOzy
| What is the purpose of life?
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