On 08 Aug 2001 12:51:14 -0400, paul rodríguez wrote:
> I'm so sorry.  I appear to have been careless and premature.  Nope,, not
> resolved.  Whereas Gnome can now set the background (it couldn't
> before), I still get two sets of icons overlapping each other, one with
> pretty pictures, the other with default, no icon to display ugly ones).
> Anybody know what is going on, is this gnome/sawfish and nautilus both
> doing there job at the same time or something else.

Probably gmc (the old but still included gnome filemanager) and
Start gnome control center. (It's in menu System/Settings if you're
using Ximian Gnome)
Goto "Session properties & Startup" (Section Session, probably last one
in left panel)
Go to tab "Startup programs" and click on "Browse currently running
programs" (at bottom)
If you have both "nautilus" and "gmc" programs listed here, we have
found the problem. If you want only nautilus, mark everything with "gmc"
in the name and click Remove (top right)
Now save the session (original gnome has a "Save session now" somewhere
in the menus. IIRC Ximian gnome doesn't have it in the Ximian menu: Then
do this: in "Session properties & Startup" see if "Automatically save
changes to session" is turned on in the "Session Options" tab. Turn on
if it's not. Now say "OK" in Control Center and exit gnome. If you find
this all too complicated: it is. Alternatively, you can simply do it
from a terminal: look at 'man save-session' and follow the instructions.
It's a really easy manpage)

On login, the problem should be solved if it is what I suspect.
Otherwise, just ask me further

Kind regards, M.

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