jennifer wrote:
> On Wednesday 29 August 2001 17:09, Isaac Curtis wrote:
>>This is a bottom-posted new thread, I encourage anyone interested to
>>please skim the quote for context before reading below.
>>(from the thread Re: [newbie] kde2.2 broke Konqueror Flash plugin)
>>Ron Bouwhuis wrote:
>>--- Isaac Curtis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>><SNIP>. Either buy/order them from a locally owned
>>bookstore or, if you don't have the hefty $75 combined price tag, take
>>the five-finger discount at the nearest Borders (the place is less
>>secure than Windows ME) and buy a few magazines back at your hometown
>>shop to support local business.  <SNIP>
>>What the hell is a five-finger discount?
>>I *HOPE* you mean you go to Borders, buy a coffee and
>>maybe a pastry, sit down in one of those lovely corner
>>sofas and read the excellent Linux references you
>>mention (careful not to get sticky fingers on the
>>pages).  You then write notes to yourself on a pad and
>>put the book back on the shelf when you're done.
>>Dear Ron,
>>Borders ran four of five local bookstores out of my hometown.  Borders
>>bookstores all across the country have illegally interfered with union
>>organzing within my union and others.  Borders pays their workers a
>>lousy wage so that ignorant high-brow yuppies can come in and get their
>>books for a few bucks less than they could at the shop that has been in
>>their community for three generations.  I will not pay for a book from
>>that store.
>>I am on a very tight budget and can occasionally afford a tech magazine
>>or some cd-r's on which to burn software and the latest downloads.  When
>>I purchase these things I get them from local business and support the
>>people that have been supporting my community since before I was born.
>>When I need something I can't get from local business, either because of
>>price or because they aren't able to get it shipped within a month, I
>>will go to Borders and take it.  When I have to resort to that, I make a
>>point of spending as much as I can afford at a local bookstore.
>>Last week I picked up "Learning the Bash Shell" and "DNS and Bind" for
>>free from Borders, so I went to a local store in downtown and bought two
>>history books and a fiction book which I donated to my local public
>>library.  I actually spent more on the donated books than I would have
>>on the ones from Borders, but I am comfortable with that decision
>>because what I did supported my community and helped strike a(n
>>admittedly small) blow at Borders and everything it stands for.
>>I am not suggesting we all go on a stealing spree from Borders, but
>>rather that we support our local businesses.  If we can't get what we
>>need locally, than we should take it for free from our local Big Box
>>Store (Borders, Barnes & Noble, etc) and find a way to redirect the
>>privilege we enjoyed of a free book into a way of supporting the local
>>community.  This isn't your only option, you could go to your local
>>public library and ask them to order a copy to beef up their tech
>>section.  (If they don't have money for it you could steal *two* copies
>>from Borders and donate one of them...)  You could get a friend to buy
>>it from a locally-owned store out of state and mail it to you, and
>>return the favor with an equally priced book they couldn't find in their
>>The point isn't stealing, the point is supporting our local communities
>>by supporting our local businesses.  Mutlinational corporations don't
>>care about your community, they don't care about your needs, and they
>>don't care about you.  They care about their bottom line.  This is the
>>same thing that has given us Wal-Mart, McDonald's, and Microsoft.  To
>>copy your syntax a little bit...
>>I *HOPE* that you, as a Linux supporter, would be able to make the
>>connection between why Microsoft is evil and why Borders is evil.
>>Microsoft is not just a lousy operating system, it is a morally corrupt
>>I am not sure if stealing is right, but I know that buying from Borders
>>is wrong.
>>Against Capital and State,
>>"Necessity knows no law, and the starving man has a natural right to a
>>share of his neighbor's bread. Ask for work. If they do not give you
>>work, ask for bread. If they do not give you work or bread, then take
>>  - Emma Goldman
>>(I realize this qoute is not relevant to stealing a Linux book from
>>Borders.  It is, however, another angle of opening people's minds to why
>>stealing is, if not right, certainly less wrong than other ills of this
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> You have go to be kidding me! 
> I am so happy that I believe in karma after reading this. 

Karma?  Come on...  I'm not gonna have lightning strike me because I 
lifted a $40 book from Borders.  I'm sure lightning can find much better 
targets in the people that support clothes made in sweatshops (Nike, 
Gap, Abercrombie & Fitch) or even people who support union-busting 
companies like Borders that refuse to pay their workers a living wage 
and rely almost entirely on part-time workers that are not eligible to 
receive benefits.  I'd advise you to steer clear of open windows next 
time weather gets ugly.


PS:  can't hurt to plan ahead...

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