There's been a lot of discussion about how to retrieve
web-based mail with the K-mail client.  This is
actually pretty easy if your Web-based mail server
supports POP mail clients.  I use KMail to retrieve
mail from my Yahoo account every day.  In fact, I get
all my mailing lists that way.  It's simply a matter
of setting up an account in KMail for the Yahoo mail
account and then setting the correct options on your
web-based Yahoo account).  Here's how:

Configuring your Yahoo account:
Log on to your yahoo mail account and select Options. 
The go to the "Pop Access and Forwarding" section and
select "Web and Pop Mail Access".

Setting up a K-mail account to retrieve from Yahoo
In KMail, go to Settings > Configuration.  Under
"Incoming Mail" press "Add" to create a new account
for K-mail.  Specify Pop3.  In the "Add Account" form
just fill in your personal info (a nickname for the
new account, your Yahoo logon id, password, etc...)
and use the following:

Host =
Port = 110

You should then be able to download from your Yahoo

Good luck,


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