I'm running KDE 2.1.1 on 7.2 (I installed using the RPMs at kde.org, so
I have X 4.0.3-1; QT 2.3.0-2; and KDE 2.1.1).

I'd like to have a go at the new KDE 2.2, but I tried it once, and so
totally screwed my system, I had to reinstall from scratch (even GNOME
wouldn't load; when I screw things up, I *really* screw them up :-). My
fault, no doubt - I probably screwed up some install order, or forced a
dependcy that I shouldn't have. So now, I wanna do it RIGHT.

I have downloaded the latest KDE 2.2 RPMs for 7.2 from kde's site. The
2.2 upgrade apparently doesn't require newer versions of X or QT.
However, I also keep seeing references to some speed enhanced KDE 2.2.
RPMs from "tex" - that's from the <http://www.pclinuxonline.com> site,
right? I went to the download section there, but only found a .tar.gz

So, my questions:

1. Has anybody successfully upgraded from KDE 2.1.1 to 2.2 on Mandrake
2. If you have, which RPMs did you use - KDE's or tex's?
3. HOW did you upgrade? I've seen references on the mailing list that I
should uninstall all KDE *and related* RPMs (but not QT). 
  - What does this mean - remove arts, anything named KDE, and libmng,
all of which I used to install KDE 2.1.1? Anything else? 
  - And then "rpm -Uvh *.rpm" to install all my new RPMs?


Michael J. Leone                  Registered Linux user #201348 
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