On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 17:58:47 +0100, you wrote:

>>Thats a very uninformed opinion you are offering. Did you not see any
>>of the reports about how much it would cost to train people to fly
>>those airplanes? Real flight simulators cost major, major bucks, and
>>it costs about 50k to send someone to a school that has one.
>I wish it was uninformed.... but it's not. I think the discovery of the
>flight manuals in the car
>found at the airport illustrates how basic the knowledge they had was.
>It dosen't cost much to learn to fly a basic plane. Sure, if you want to
>become a fully fledged pilot for a commercial airline it takes thousands of
>hours flight time and thousands of dollars.
>But if you simply need to know the basics a few lessons at your local school
>and a couple of hundred dollars would suffice. Believe me keeping a 767 in
>the air and doing basic guidance isn't much different to doing it in a
>Cessna. i.e. Pointing it at something and crashing it is easy.
>Landing it safely and following all the charts and guidelines is more

Yeah, I heard about that...but while you might convince me about
slamming into the side of the WTC towers being not that difficult,
hitting the Pentagon as they did would certainly require a measure of

>Anyway I don't think they knew much about aviation....
>I know commercial pilots are trained to do what hijackers want to keep
>situations calm and under control. I imagine the jackers asked them to fly
>down the coast and once near NY I suspect they removed the pilots and guided
>the aircraft themselves. I think this partly because of the third and fourth
>aircrafts didn't do the damage they potentially could have done.
>>Based on evidence? Thats lip service, no more, designed solely to keep
>>Afghanistan out of the line of fire. I'm not saying we should bomb
>>them or anything, but I certainly don't believe a word of what the
>>Taleban has to say. Call me a knee-jerk Yank if you will...
>I'm not taking your right to be angry away..... go on be angry.... everyones
>angry. Most of the world infact.
>I don't think US citizens know quite how Upset, Shocked and Angry people in
>other parts of the world are. We're f**ing fuming!
>Just remember the world is watching and pretty much everyone has condemned
>this act. If the US gov acts too hastily it will lose some of that support.
>Imagine what could be done with 80%+ of the worlds governments on it's side.
>That's enough to turn lip service into action.... even if the Taleban had no
>intention of handing bin laden over. Simply blowing up some afgans up
>innocent or not
>will just draw more people to bin laden's cause.... and reaffirm some
>Islamic peoples beliefs that the western world hate and despise them.

Unfortunately, right now they are more right about that than they were
two days ago...

>Anyway I'm finished that's my last word..... back to ontopic.

Understand, I wasn't ripping you with my previous post, just offering
my opinion...

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