
I didn't make it clear that my wife could just log on
the net - give me the IP and I'm away - so, in fact, I
wouldn't want those things to be automatic.

--- etharp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> my advice is to run appache on the home computer,
> set any folders you want to 
> be allowed to get into in the config, and run a
> connection thru a Dynamic DNS 
> server, so you could log into
> (or whom ever you sign 
> up for the service with, you can search google for
> "dynamic dns servers" and 
> find a few). that way, you dial in, connect to the
> dynamic dns server to set 
> the name to yor current dns, and you can go from
> there and look like you were 
> savy enough to have created AOL if you had the time
> a few years ago. it 
> really is easy (about one saterday day to learn how,
> since if you have 
> installed all the toys with Mandrake 8.0 powerpack
> it will already be 
> installed and waititng for you to setup the
> configuration. you can then set 
> up a cron job to check the dialin connectiopn and
> connect to the Dynamic dns 
> server and make sure it is correctly updated. you
> can also set your PPP 
> conncetion to redial if the signal is dropped, and
> the cron job will 
> reconncet to the DNS and update automagiclly. I
> personally think that you 
> might then want to check out PHP-Nuke after you get
> the server setup and your 
> folders accessable. 
> On Tuesday 18 September 2001 06:40, you wrote:
> > I'm at work today, and realised that I needed a
> file
> > which is on my machine at home -doh! Today it's ok
> > because I've asked my wife to email me the file.
> But
> > she's always reluctant to do this, as she's got
> her
> > hands full with our twin boys. :-)
> >
> > How easy would it be to turn on my home computer,
> log
> > on to the net (with a modem) and access it from
> work?
> >
> > At work, I can use ftp etc-with windows. The file
> I'm
> > after is Staroffice5.2, which shouldn't cause any
> > problems.
> >
> > Would it be a case of ftping to the IP number that
> was
> > assigned at home when home computer logged on the
> net?
> >
> >
> > Or is it much more complicated than sending an
> email?
> >
> > Any advice is gratefully received.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Adam
> >
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