I can't believe you lot take this so seriously. I'm very new to Linux yet I
found it funny, and there was probably more jokes in it than I'll ever
realise. No doubt they are all pating themselves on the back at such an out
cry by yourselves. This is exactly what they were hoping for I think!!


-----Original Message-----
From: Franki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 17 October 2001 22:04
Subject: RE: [newbie] Worst factual review of linux ever ( This is the
reply I posted to them.)

lol, I titled this:  "This guy is on Drugs or Works for Microsoft"

here is what I posted, anyone correct me if anything I said was incorrect.

First of all, the guys name was Linus not linux.

Second: M$ Office, Outlook and IE are Microsoft software, THEY choose not to
supply them for linux because they want people to use windows not linux.
Third: There is more then one linux app that will open and save in M$ office
file formats, anyone with half a brain can work out how to use them as its
pretty much a standard menu system. Try Star Office and Openoffice.

Forth:, Mozilla is almost word for word standards compliant, IE is not.
(although ie6 is close) so you lied.
Fifth: You don't need a Pentium with 32MB ram to run linux, you can do it on
a 386 with 8MB of ram. and boot it from a floppy (Trinix and others)you just
need 32mb and a pentium to run Mandrake linux, since they rightly assume
that people would rather have an OS that is optimised for the system they
have, rather then one that is optimised for old hardware, you want to run
linux on a 486, get Peanut or possibly Redhat. Also, try loading win2000 or
XP on your 486. the versions of linux that were out when 95 came out, ran on
486's just fine, and the fact that some current versions can still run on it
says alot, none of M$ recent versions will run on a 486 at all.

Sixth: RedHat, Caldera and others are not past names for linux distro's they
are Current other distro's. People chose the one they want. which had you
read up on, you wouldn't have tried to use Mandrake on a 486.

Seventh: Linux doesn't have virus software? thats probably because its
nearly impossible to infect a properly linux box with a virus because of
users,, you need root or admin access to do that. Windows XP home, like
win98,98,98SE and ME make everyone root, so they are affected by virus's
Also there are alot of linux virus scanners, like Trend Filescan, the thing
is that they all search for windows virus's because there are none on linux
that are a threat to anyone.

Eighth: Linux doesn't need firewalls like Zone Alarm because the abiltiy is
built into the OS, read ipchains and iptables, and Mandrake 8.1 has two
firewalls built into it. InteractiveBastille does far more then most just by
asking you a bunch of questions from a nice GUI interface.

Ninth: Software, Mandrake linux has server software that it would cost over
2000AUD to achieve with Microsoft(tm) software, and you wouldn't have been
effected by Code Red or Nimda if you weren't running M$ software. it also
comes standard with 2 or more versions of spreadsheets, word processors
presentation software, finance stuff, advanced text editors, time management
software email clients, graphing software, image editing software and more,
and it all comes WITH Mandrake, you don't have to buy it seperatly.

Tenth: Games, what to play Quake3 on linux? go ahead, you can buy it for
linux, ditto with many other titles. and with WINE, you can run a great many
actual windows titles as well.

Please, if you are going to review a product at least get someone who knows
what they are doing to review it objectively, you don't know because you
only know the microsoft way and have a closed mind to anything else.

Remember windows has been around in a semi decent form since 1992 or so,,
Unix, which is linux's parent has been around since the 60's... you just
didn't know about it.

That is not the fault of linux.

I use both linux and windows, I started with an open mind and I am tipping
more and more towards linux because it does everything I want, and I can
have the same machine running without a reboot for months just fine (I have
seen cases where it has run without reboot for well over a year.). and it
didn't cost me 500 bucks to buy.

Be objective when you review something, just because its not what you are
used to, doesn't mean that its not better, (or conversely that its worse.)


Perth Australia.

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