Title: RE: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake 8.0 and WindowsXP

Hi There,

        If you go to www.kde-look.org you can get the Luna interface (but only for KDE 2.2 or higher)

        FYI You can also get the Acqua (MacOS X) theme if you really want it.  Also you can change the window decoration to system++ (I think) and you will have the classic MAC window decoration.  I'm using this at the moment and it's frickin' awesome.

Craig Williamson

-----Original Message-----
From: Lin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux-Mandrake 8.0 and WindowsXP

 how do we get the Luna theme on Mandrake?  does it come with KDE
selection?  I really enjoyed and missed apple system 7.6, but Mac
computers usually are more expensive than pc.  If we can run mac theme on
Mandrake - that would be great!


On Mon, 29 Oct 2001, skinky wrote:

> On Mon, 29 Oct 2001 02:11, D. wrote:
> |  Well why do we care about XP?  And if you just
> |  installed it how do you know that it is more stable
> |  then ME?  Don't you need some run time before you make
> |  that statement?? And please tell us how you enjoy
> |  paying the license fee again after you upgrade your
> |  hardware.  The last time that I looked this was
> |  [newbie] Linux-Mandrake list not XP.  If there is a
> |  problem running a dual boot with XP(eww) and Mandrake
> |  then yes we care.
> |  Don
> |
> |  --- Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> |  > Just upgraded to WindowsXP, for those who even care,
> |  > and it went smoothly.
> |  > Runs faster than ME and is very stable and solid.
> |  > The usual applications that
> |  > would crash ME without fail didn't even make XP
> |  > hiccup.
> |  >
> |  > Two things though in both Linux and XP I just can't
> |  > get my ancient external
> |  > parallel port CDwriter to work automatically. With
> |  > XP I have to wait until HP
> |  > puts the download on their website, which I had to
> |  > to with my scanner with
> |  > ME, and so far with Linux the information I found
> |  > requires me to play with
> |  > some settings which I am more than willing to learn
> |  > just hard to find the
> |  > time lately.
> |  >
> |  > As far as the Luna interface being a rip of Apple's
> |  > Aqua, not with all the
> |  > wishful thinking and eye squinting does it look like
> |  > Aqua. I still enjoy
> |  > Linux's adaptability for making the Aqua theme much
> |  > nicer than to enjoy
> |  > without tying it to a premium system.
> |  >
> |  > If anyone wishes to drop me a hint on the CDwriter
> |  > issue or a link for the
> |  > truly "RAW" newbie I would appreciate it very much.
> Quite the opposite in my case.  As I have _no_ intention of upgrading M$
> Win98SE to XP, I'm quite curious as to the differences in XP.  I never got
> ME but I've read about a few people's experiences with it.
> Yes, this is a Linux-Mandrake list but there's nothing wrong with the
> comparision between the two OS's displaying a theme.  And besides, I think
> Robert wants to know how to get his CD Writer going in Linux.
> Sorry I can't help you there Robert.  Good luck.
> skinky
> PS. why are we getting so touchy on the M$ subject?  Must be the
> weather...  ; )
> --
> But what ... is it good for?
> (Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968,
> commenting on the microchip)

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