And I'm saying, he should make sure that it can be viewed
properly. Not cop out with uncertainty.

I agree with you, except Franki explicitly stated that he fears
unless people are drawn away from MSIE, they might not ever
consider switching to Linux.


You missunderstood me again....

I made that point to indicate that if the web becomes IE only (can anyone
deny that that
is what M$ want?)  people won't have the choice,,, I don't actually care if
people want
to use linux or not... I care that people have the choice to use whatever
they want.

big difference,, the linux comment was meant as an example. if people want
to use
unix, OS2, or any other platform that M$ hasn't fit IE into they should have
rights on the internet... thats what I am about,,

the message I am talking about is just to inform people a little..

You can't deny that M$ change things at their whim to confuse the issue..

I don't want choise to be taken away...

M$ have rightly decided they can't compete with linux for stability, speed
and price and
other aspects,, so their next position would logically be to make the
internet the reason
to use windows... if you can't view the majority of sites one day without
using IE, and
therefore Windows or Mac, you are going to use windows or macs,, not linux
or anything else.

This is not a linux arguement, and I hate the fact that its become one...

I said linux, I'm sorry, I meant anything not Windows or Mac.



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