
Answer to your question is "yes".   ;-) 

You can do either - leave them as they are or load
them with Linux.  That's what's so great about this,
you have all the choice in the world!  It all depends
on what you actually want (i.e. *need*) to do.   At
home, I have 1 Linux box and 4 Win98 laptops.  The
Linux box is my firewall (using iptables), proxy
server (using Squid) and SMB server for printer and
file sharing (using Samba).  I don't run it as a web
server (yet), but if I did, I'd use Apache for that. 
Oh, and the more the kids use it for games (cool games
in Linux!), the more chance there is I'll be chucking
out some of the Win98 installs (hooray!).

I think your first step, Stephen, is to clearly define
what you want to *do* with all that hardware.  Until
you do that, it's difficult to advise you more


--- Stephen Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Ron,
> Thanks for your advice.
> >Samba is an emulator for Window's SMB (Server
> Message
> >Block) protocol used by Windows for file and print
> >sharing.  Since you say you have 3 more boxes with
> >Win98, then you will need to set up Samba if you
> want
> >file or printer sharing.  However, you do not need
> it
> >for sharing an internet connection (Squid or even
> >with IP masquerading is all you need for that).
> I have 3 Win boxes and 1 Linux box.  However those 3
> Win boxes can be 
> easily converted to Linux box because I have mobile
> racks and spare hard disks.
> My question is "can I use my Linux box as server
> serving 3 Win boxes 
> (Win98, Win ME and Win XP) or I have to converting
> all of them to Linux 
> boxes" ?  Which software recommended would be easily
> configured and 
> maintained to be used in the server ?
> >As for what Dave meant by cached without being
> >connected - basically if a web page is in cache,
> Squid
> >will serve it up even if it is not connected.  But
> I
> >think he was refering to WWWoffle (I don't know
> it).
> It sounds similarly to certain software in Win
> environment which can 
> download the whole website allowing you browsing it
> off line.
> B.R.
> Stephen Liu
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