Sorry to bother everyone.  I have a couple of questions.
1.  Is there a way i can use JAVA with kongueror with mandrake 8.1.  I believe i install java on the computer. 
2.  How can i set up the network section under kongueror.  I have 3 linux machine running on 200 mhz computer and 1 500 mhz computer running windows xp.  I would like to be able to conect to all machine via network.  now what i have been doing to ftp program from computer to computer.  this is what i have setup.
1 computer running linux mandrake 8.1.  firewall ftp and webpage email. internet gateway.
1 computer linux mandrake 8.1 been testing red hat 7.2 test machine
1 computer linux mandrake 8.1 wife computer
1 windows xp due to some software that will not run under linux.
any help thanks Bill Nash.

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