make a linux boot disk, this will get you back to linux after you wipe out 
the mbr using a win/dos boot disk and type ...-let me get this right, either 
'fdisk /mbr' or 'format /mbr' i think it's the former because it's odd that 
it isn't a switch to the latter, did you mean that win doesn't see another 
dos/win drive that is there? have you used fdisk in linux to examine the 
partitions and see what types it thinks they are, type-as root:
#fdisk /dev/hda (or whatever is your had drive device)
'm' gives you menu, 'p' shows you your partitions o that drive, look at their 
ids and compare then with the ones listed by typing 'l'
simply deleting files from windows shouldn't affect partitions like that 
though, did you do anything else, what about in linux?

depending on your version of windows it is possible to rename a couple of 
files and do an 'upgrade' over itself, i think that this is usually only 
necessary when trying with an 'oem' version, full retail will install over 
themselves noproblem - except that they still apply free space requirements 
even though most of the install will overwite what's already there

any help


> There was a way to simply delete the lilo but how to get back to
> Linux then?

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