Hello Kaj,

Saturday, January 19, 2002, 12:18:30 AM, you wrote:

KH> Frans Ketelaars wrote:

>>     -Frans
KH> Colin, here's another workaround : run kdf (K Disk Free), right-click
KH> the floppy-drive (/dev/fd0) and choose the pull-down menu-option :
KH> "mount device". You can even set kdf up to open a file-manager
KH> automatically. personally, I prefer to do it this way, because I've some
KH> game-addicted kids (each with their own user-ID) on my linux-box, and I
KH> don't want them to have that easy acces to the floppy-drive (heavens
KH> only know what they could put in there !).

KH> Kaj Haulrich

tried that also.... same error :((

Best regards,
 Colin                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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