On Thursday 07 February 2002 05:39 pm, you wrote:
i can't get midis to work at all in linux, i get the error, can't open 
/dev/sequencer, no such file or device yet it is there, i have a c-media 
builtin sound card, any ideas?


> if your worst problem is midi, is it really that bad?
> do you only surf midi sites?
> have you tried changing the midi file association?  not sure if that
> matters in web page use, but....
> i am not sure, but i think this a known bug, still, never tried to run a
> midi in it so i am not a lot of help.  :-(
> On Thursday 07 February 2002 09:08, you spoke unto me thusly:
> > How come every dang time Konqueror goes to load a midi file
> > from a web page the damn thing locks up and just sits there
> > like a turd on a log with a stupid dialogue box ???
> >
> > I'm going to Mozilla if this don't stop.

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