I've just ditched my Linux-mac in favour of Mandrake on a now surplus Dell

I did manage to get LinuxPPC running on both a PPC7100 and 8100 but storage
and memory were too limited to do anything worthwhile.

There are resources out there for early Macs. Try a Google search for
LinuxPPC or MkLinux.


George in Edinburgh
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Durant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Newbie Mandrake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] LinuxMandrake on a Mac

> >Is there a LinuxMandrake for a MAc computer  I have a Mac  LC3 that was
> >given to me and I would like to load Linux on it  I dont know much about
> > but it does work  Can any one help
> There is a Mandrake Linux for PPC, as well as Yellow Dog Linux.
> Unfortunately, they are all for New World machines, i.e. iMac, iBook, g3
> tower, etc. Mandrake Linux is the only one that has shown an interest in
> backward compatibility, but they are only trying to support PPC machines
> NuBus and older are out in the cold. There was an MkLinux that project
> that Apple was supporting, but I think that Apple has closed the project
> since Jobs came back.
> IMHO, this is an area that is unfortunately neglected by Linux
> developers. There are a lot of frustrated Apple owners out there that no
> longer have an upgrade path since Jobs returned. This includes clone
> owners, like myself (UMAX Pulsar - Euro S900). In the Intel world, you
> can get Linux running on something as old as a 386 with no problems, as
> there are a plethora of various Linux flavors. END RANT ;-)
> I hope you have some luck, but to frank, I doubt it. That is why I am
> migrating to Linux on a new PC system!
> Cheers,
> Brian


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