Title: RE: [newbie] Strange CPU Load
My apologies to the list I just noticed that I am sending in HTML format again. Had to reinstall on a new machine here at work and the default appears to be HTML format. I've changed it back to plain text. It's ok to talk to me again. I'm suitably contrite.  Dennis M. 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of JSheble
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 8:20 AM
To: Mandrake Newbie
Subject: [newbie] Strange CPU Load

First of all my linux machine isn't a production machine, in fact it
probably can't even qualify as a development machine either.  It sits idle
for the majority of the time as I tinker with various aspects in an attempt
to learn something about Linux.  I have noticed though after loading a
CPULoad DockApp that my CPU load averages between 50-80%.  Since it's not
supposed to be doing anything, I thought I'd investigate.

After running ps aux, I noticed that PID #4 ([kapm-idled]) was taking up
over 90% of the CPU cycles.  Itried killing it off with kill 4 but it
remains.  Could somebody tell me what this process is, and how I can
successfully kill it, or even if I should kill it.


Hi, this will serve as the weekly kapm bulletin. kapm is a non process it merely indicates idle cycles of the cpu and is not taking up any process load. Ignore it. The other weekly notice is that: Linux does not like idle ram and will cache into ram and then free up as needed for processes so when a monitor shows ram usage at 90% or above it is not that something is necessarily sucking up the ram it is that linux is being effecient. HTH

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