

Randy Kramer

(PS: The second program is in C for OS/2, but includes the source, so
could be useful on other platforms.)

Brendan wrote:
> I seem to remember seeing it somewhere...Let me go look for it...
> Hmmmmm, if you speak Spanish, here is something for man2txt:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> #Por C2H5OH (aka etanol).
> #Copyleft 2001. GNU General Public License.
> #Comunicar bugs a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> sub muestra_ayuda
> {
>          print "Sintaxis: \tman2txt alias outfile\n";
>          print "\t- alias: es el nombre de la página man (p.e: fork).\n";
>          print "\t- outfile: el nombre del fichero de salida en formato
> texto.\n";
>          print "\n";
>          exit(1);
> }
> #Pal que no entienda esto: man man; man bash
> open (IN, "man -P \"cat -v\" $ARGV[0] 2>/dev/null |") and
> open (OUT, ">$ARGV[1]") or muestra_ayuda;
> while (<IN>) {
>          s/.\^H//g;
>          s/M\-{2}/\-/;
>          print OUT;
> }
> close IN;   #Y ya que tenemos buenos modales ;)
> close OUT;
> Found here:
> Got to love the penguin picture...
> Another page had this:
> Looks like Windows programs...
> Or, this command could work:
> man [progname] | col -b >
> Found this somewhere else:
> #!/bin/csh
> man $1 | 2txt > $1.txt
> Or, you could try this guys aliases:
> And this guy has some good utils on his page:
> Hope all of this helps...
> Tell me how it comes out...
> Brendan
> >Brendan wrote:
> > > # ./man2txt < umlug.1x.txt | less
> >
> >Brendan,
> >
> >Thanks for this!  Where did you find man2txt.  It seems to not be
> >installed on Mandrake 8.1 with the selection I made, and although I
> >found a man page for it on the internet, I haven't, so far, found a
> >place to download it.
> >
> >Randy Kramer
> >
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