If you can afford the program use Partition Magic ver 6 or 7.

They're a godsend for dualbooters :)

I use it with few problems except the ones I've caused myself.



> Hi all,
> I purchased Mandrake 8.1 to see what Linux was like. I have a very limited
> knowlage of window but I am quite adapt at pointing and clicking. I decide to
> install it on my lap top but did not have sufficent resources. The next move
> was the home computer. A 1 gig AMD KT7A/Riad (Riad disabled) with a TNT Vid
> Card and a Maxtor 30gig HD, 384 megs of ram. It also has a Surfboard phone
> up/cable dowm modem. WinME working it all.I settled in for what the book said
> would be an easy install.
> I lost C:, I zapped out DOS, I got Linux in. I lost Linux, I lost windows.
> I'm sure I saw a Penguin flip me off. I got windows back, to make a long
> story short here's where I am now.
> WinME running, Linux just left on it's own, my 30 gig drive reads in windows
> as 2 gig, when i look at in Linux install it shows blue/2 gigs for windows,
> the rest is a white bar. All in all I wasn't too unhappy since I don't store
> a thing on my drive but software, what's six hours to reinstall it. Oh did I
> mention that some idiot forgot he did his taxs....zapped...the wife really
> liked that one.
> I have come up with three conclusions to what may have happened
> 1. I have failed to pray to the God of LINUX correctly or not left enough
> fish at the penguins feet.
> 2. Bill Gates is evil and personally hates me.
> 3. I have no dang clue what I am doing any and all mistakes are my fault.
> I have opted for number three....but I have not ruled out the other two. I
> would love to try LINUX, I would also like my hard drive back. I guess what I
> need is a quick course in partitioning, spelled out idiot proof, and some
> simpler instructions on how to install this as a dual boot system.
> Any help would be appreciated, fish can also be arranged. ;-)
> Mike
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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