Anthony V Guillen wrote:

>I'm a newbie in Linux, before anything else, I am not a programmer, or anything, I'm 
>just curious in Linux.
>I just wanted to know why is it called as an open source code OS? If it so, what 
>programming language is use to compile the source code use in Linux? and another 
>thing, where can I find the source code use in Linux?
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Well, open source means you can see the source code and modify it for 
your own use.  There are some hair splitting differences between open 
source and free software.  Free software requires that you can

1. Use the software
2. Modify it for your own use
3. Make and distribute copies
4. Distribute modified copies.

With some restrictions:  Namely, that you pass these rights on with the 
distribution you make.

The requirements for free software imply the source is available.

An example of open source that is not free software is downloader for X, 
which requires any modifications be submitted to the original author for 
consideration.  An example of unprotected software is BSD which can be 
wholly incorporated into a proprietary package with only an integrated, 
reproduced copyright notice.

There are linux distributions that are not free software (most) and 
there are distributions that are not completely open-source as well. 
 Some have a per-seat license requirement, and others keep their own 
additions secret, though the rest is of course freely available.

 MandrakeLinux boxed sets add software that is not free.MandrakeLinux 
Download is free software beginning with 8.2.  Previous versions 
included software with licensing restrictions (notably netscape and 
downloader for X).  All Mandrake tools you will discover are available 
in source and are licensed under the GNU General Public License.  See for more information on the GPL and its derivatives.

The GPL does NOT prohibit use of the software to write programs that 
will be licensed in other ways by their author.  For example, Xbasic, a 
Visual Basic like compiler that predates VB and runs on X for linux and 
Windows, is licensed under the GPL and its libraries (which would have 
to be shipped with an application to make it able to run) are licensed 
under the Lesser GPL or LGPL.  This makes creation of turnkey programs 
for commercial distribution in Xbasic very easy.  So much for the FUD 
that says Free Software is communisitc...  As Richard Stallman points 
out, free software advocates are more like environmentalists, seeking to 
remove the poisons from the way business is conducted and to promote 
healthy business growth.

And where does closed source lead?  Take a gander at some existing 
software patents:

1. Do you use a desktop theme?  Then you may owe a royalty to Apple 
2. Do you insert text between other text in a word processor?  Kindly 
render tribute to Smith-Corona.
3. Do you ever surf the web or send hyperlinks to friends?  Perhaps you 
should talk to British Telecommunications about a license so you can do 
that without infringing.
4. Did you ever post a picture to a web site in .gif format?  Perhaps 
you used an unlicensed program for the LZW compression to create that 
.gif, but don't worry.  Chances are your web host bought a license for a 
fee of $5000 to $7500 to insure against litigation in the event that one 
of the sites he hosts carries unlicensed .gifs.  Unisys Corporation was 
very thoughtful in making such a protection program available.

You can make your own decision about whether software patents and 
Intellectual Property Laws and armies of lawyers threatening to ruin 
your life are an enhancement to incentives for huge investment in 
software (as in pharmaceuticals) or a definite stumbling block to 
innovation and the public good (as in the electronics industry where 
cross-licensing is a matter of course and innovation does not in any way 
appear to relate to the protection of intellecual property).  I know 
that, as a programmer, I have to be very careful about coding anything 
in the United States.  In France, I was more able to program, because I 
did not have to worry about some inadvertant patent infringement going 
off under my feet like a land mine.  Insofar as I can tell, the 
Intellectual Property concepts appear more than anything else to make 
employment for a surplus of attorneys.  

It also appears that if any small operator makes a big innovation, it 
will be stolen and the thief will get off with a court settlement and a 
gag rule (to cover his theft) some distant future time, _if_ the owner 
can support the suit against the thief.   (If you want more information, 
look up court records about DRDOS.)  

So, I for one, and many others besides, have chosen to put our work 
where everyone can use it and none can exploit it, as free software.

It is worthy of note that some software End User License Agreements now 
prohibit the use of the software on a computer also equipped with 
software licensed under the GNU General Public License or the Perl 
Language (which may at author/distributor's option be distributed under 
the GPL or the Artistic License).  I have seen this in a networking kit 
for WindowsXP/Win2K.

Now as to programming languages, linux is a mix.  A little has to be 
assembler for the target architecture(yes linux runs on many types of 
computers, from the x86 to the ia64 to the Alpha, Sparc. 68000 and 
PPC/G3/G4).  A lot is gcc (the gnu c compiler).  Many scripts are used, 
from Perl, bash, and Python, and it would be difficult to put together a 
distro which does not use these to some extent.  Alternatives exist for 
those who want to roll their own weird distributions, like Pike, ruby, 
tcl/Tk, Basic for X11, and others.  Graphic User Interfaces or GUIs 
(gooeys) are usually programmed in several different languages using 
libraries that provide standard toolkits, like FLTK (fast light 
toolkit), Qt, gtk, gtk+, motif, lesstif, Tk, Pmw, Xbasic grids, and so 
on.  There are a few drag-N-drop tools for GUI programming like glade 
(which generates C code ) and Xbasic (which generates functions to build 
grids from grids built by drag-N-drop).


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