I have watched with interest Civileme's posts over the last month or so on
the multi-boot (windows plus two linuces) issue.

My situation is similar to others. I have:

$ df
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdb5             3.7G  2.5G  1.0G  71% /
/dev/hda1             7.9G  3.3G  4.6G  42% /mnt/win_c
/dev/hda5             7.9G  104k  7.9G   0% /mnt/win_d  

I want to repartition win_d and install 8.2 on there.

hdb5 is a mandrake 7.1 partition (My first usable Linux attempt). I may
eventually, when i have 8.2 set up to my satisfaction, delete 7.1 and
replace it with /home.

This means that initially i will have 8.2's /home on hda7 or thereabouts. I
will make 8.2 / and /boot ext2 and other new partitions XFS.

So instead of putting the vmlinuz-X.XX.XX and initrd.img-X.XX.XX of 8.2
into /boot on 7.1 i feel i should do a full install of 8.2 overwriting the
MBR of hda and then drag the 7.1 vmlinuz and initrd.img back into 8.2's
boot partition. Then edit boot config in the control centre.

Will this acheive the same result as the the previous multi-boot queries?
i.e. will this allow me to boot into windows or 7.1 or 8.2?

I am really looking forward to my purchased box set arriving here in NZ.


Surprise due today.  Also the rent.

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