To reveal what a newbie I am... what's a restore and how do I do it? Pointing me to a 
URL would suffice.

By the way, I have 3 sticks of DIMM memory. I've tried removing one stick at a time, 
and shuffling the memory around to different slots, but the problem remains. I suspect 
that we can rule out memory problems.

Perhaps the CPU is running hot? My motherboard can be monitored for temperature and 
voltage. Can anyone recomend a program and instructions on how I can monitor these 
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras

On Fri, 26 Apr 2002 07:24:24 -0400
Gerald Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Warren Post wrote:
> > >%_Top sez: Swap:  248968K av,  0K used,  248968K free
> > 
> > Memtest86 shows zero errors after doing three passes.
> > 
> > So, if it's not a too-small swap and my memory appears good, what else might it be?
> > -- 
> Could be a hardware problem,
> You might consider doing a restore and see if that will fix it.

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