This also goes back to the heart of whether or not it is legal / ethical to
shut someone's system down.

Blocking access is one thing, trying to shut a server down is quite another
in my opinion.

I actually did have a script running that would sucessfully block out
pretty close to 100% of all
nimda related "infection" attempts via ipchains / hosts.deny .

On any server I run, I'm certainly not going to try to shut down the server
attempting to infect me.  If I did so, I'd be opening myself up to a
potential lawsuit from the company running the infected server.

Send an e-mail to their admin, or block off their access, but don't shut
their machine down.  It's a legally questionable move to do that.


Michael Viron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Core Systems Group
Simple End User Linux
At 07:10 AM 4/29/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>> Hello, would anyone know where I can find
>> a script that would shut down or stop
>> a nimda infected server?
>> I can no longer tolerate this nimda,
>> blocking does not work, there are some
>> addresses that still get though and I don't
>> know how the little buggers do it, so I
>> want to make my web server send back a command
>> that will shut off the infected server.
>> Thanks to those that can help.
>> Ibly
>Do an archive search for a thread on HoneyPort. I believe you'll find it
>on the expert archive. You can also find some information if you do a
>search for Labrea Tarpit on Google. That should help you in what you're
>looking to do. It will at least trap the incoming connection attempt and
>keep it from sucking up yer bandwidth/server resources.  However, it
>won't send a term signal back to the offending computer. For that you're
>going to have to do a little more searching on Google. But those
>programs are out there.
>You may also find a few references to programs such as this in the
>expert archives if you search long enough.
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