Title: RE: [newbie] Mandrake randomly locks me out of /home

-----Original Message-----
Of Michael
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 3:54 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake randomly locks me out of /home

Michael wrote:
> Mike Oliver wrote:
> >
> > [Mandrake 8.2, kernel 2.4.18]
> >
> > Every now and then, without warning and a propos of nothing,
> > the permissions on my /home directory suddenly change to drwx------.
> >
> > I've learned to keep a root console open on my desktop so I
> > can quickly change it back, and this is actually workable,
> > but obviously not ideal.  Has this happened to anyone
> > else, or does anyone know what might be going on?
> >
> > A couple of other pieces of information:
> >
> >   (1) I have the security level set to "higher"
> >   (2) /home is mounted from its own partition.  the relevant
> >       entry in /etc/fstab is
> >
> >          /dev/hdb8       /home       ext2         defaults            1 1
> >
> > Thanks for any help.
> Mike,
> Assuming you are using 8.2. Read this
> http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/doc/82/en/ref.html/prog-msec.html
> It's the online documentation for msec (Mandrake Security). Particulaly
> note 12.3.1 (umask in the table) and - to paraphrase these "umask
> for level 4 and 5 is set to 077" Translation - "This octal number is
> applied every night at around 4AM to all users file permissions. The result
> is as you have noticed".
> If you feel up to it look at Customising your m-sec (read 12.4) otherwise
> as root just change it to level 3 (man msec). Level 3 is the highest
> recommended level for a home computer as it is a good compromise between
> tight security and ease of use.
> BTW This online document is one of the manuals that the purchasers of the
> box set recieved.
> Michael

DOH, I just re-read, it's not the files, it's the directory perrmissions.
<michael hides head behind monitor and hopes no-one else has spotted his
fly is undone>

Sorry i didn't help.
But it was a good explanation wasn't it %-)


Actually, my goal is to have a sandwich named after me.
Looks like a symptom of having the security level set to high. Drop it back one level, medium and all should stay set for permissions. High is used on servers that only root or admin would  get into. HTH

Dennis M.

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