Hi guys,, Its so great to be able to post again.. was terrible lurking, but not being able to add anything..
Anyway, I have a question.. the only slow thing about this setup is the dnslookups, it takes about 4 or 5 seconds when I enter a link before it starts loading.. I know that its possible to setup a dnscache for the local network. but I am not sure how to go about it. I ran the wizard for dns in the control center of 8.2 but I have no idea if its working.. is it supposed to be bind?? if I do a: service named status I get this message: rndc: connect failed: connection refused and thats as root. Does anyone know what I am talking about??? or what I can do to speed up the lookups? Also, is it worth setting up squid for the internal network? will it save me on total bandwidth for the month? (I am on a limit..) any tips would be much appreciated. regards Frank
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