On Wed, 6 Dec 2006 16:32:17 -0500
Miark got an infinite number of monkeys to type out:

> the moron

I'm not going to jump to conclusions and assume you were referring to me. If
you were, well, all I can say is, nice knowin' ya.

The reason I mailed Ron offlist was to prevent further discord, and to *plead*
with him to just let it *die*. Well...

I see Lyvim couldn't control himself. Yet again, the *only time* he comes on
here is to get involved in a fight (I just knew he would not be able to resist
this one), and I see here he goes again about 'leftists' and how they're oh so
cruel by calling him and his racist, offensive, and ignorant pals for breaching
*simple common decency*. Where's he been all this time, what contribution does
he offer other than to carry on his immature vendetta against me? Nowhere, and

Start acting like adults, and show some control. As someone pointed out, if *I*
can do it, anyone can, God help me, I think even LX ;-)

If you people can't grasp the *very simple concept* that whether *you* see it as
offensive is of no relevance *whatsoever*, then there is simply no hope. 

*Ron was wrong*. No debate, no question, no doubt. He crossed the line.
If Lyvim et al can't control themselves, and continue to pollute the Newbie
list, especially with so many people needing help w/ 2007, they are only
hurting the community, certainly not me or any of the other 'leftists' who
asked, politely, that ethnic jokes be kept off the list.

It's time to end this, *now*, please.

JoeHill / RLU #282046
Leela: "We've blown out one of our engines." Fry: "Fix it, fix it, fix it, fix
it, fix it, fix it... fix it, fix it, fix it!"
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