On Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 08:50:11PM +0100, Dexter Filmore wrote:
> That's not his point, it's rather about linux going berzerk and giving u trouble 
>when u just
> thought everything is fine. I've got to admit, this makes thinking about going back 
>to Win from
> time to time. It crashes 3 times a day, so what? Linux usually doesn't work the way 
>it should in
> the frist place. I haven't used my Linux til yet by the means of "to use", just been 
> and tweaking. Learned a lot bout Un*xes, but is no productive til now.

Well, yeah.  Un*x is a flexible and powerful OS for technical users.
Some people have put a lot of effort into making Linux easier for less
technical users to set up and use (Gnome, KDE, distributions, etc.)
but there are limits because a) they won't sacrifice the flexibility
and power for ease of use and b) they're mostly volunteers working in
their spare time.  Particularly if you want to admin your own box,
there's a learning curve, and it's a bit of a climb at first.

I've noticed that when people have crashing or 'going bezerk' problems
with Linux it's almost always hardware related.  Either they went out
and bought something so new that it isn't really supported yet, or
they have bargain-basement components that only work reliably with
some software tweaks (if at all), or it's some sort of integrated
system (like a laptop) where the manufacturer did something 'unusual'
and provided drivers to deal with it for Windows.  In all of these
cases the problem is with the expectation, not with Linux.  PC
hardware is designed for Windows.  Linux is at best an afterthought
for the manufacturer, at worst an annoyance to be ignored or
supressed.  This is particularly true for video cards; I'm amazed that
so many recent cards >do< work decently with XFree86.

My guess from the original poster's comments is that he has both a
hardware issue and a failure to RTFM.  Hard to say more without seeing
the error messages. 


James Hewitt                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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