Thank You Very much for your file.
It was very useful. Thereafter I could create a new XF86Config-4 using
Xconfigurator specifically for
driver chip whihc was nearest to one I am using.
I am still having a problem with XConfigurator, it starts the XServer using
startx but it doesn't load the whole image
of the  window it just loads the part of it(i.e part of Terminal window is
only viewable as it cover the whole screen.)

Do you know where I could change the further configuration details.?

Thank  a lot for your help.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lionel Lecoq" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Anish Jhaveri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 12:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Newbie]S3-VIS Twister Chip set for XFree86

> Your config file IS a 3.3.6 conf and not a 4.x.x
> try puting what I send you in /etc/X11
> It obviously is only a standard driver not the one for your card
> You will have to hack a bit
> The part about xf86PciInfo.h I don't know...
> Lionel
> --- Anish Jhaveri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thank for your reply.
> > I am hereby attaching the XF86Config file (i.e. XF86Config)
> > The Error Log I get when i  run XFree86 -configure (i.e. XFree86.log)
> > and the error log when I get while running startx 2>mylog (i.e.mylog)
> >
> > If you check the XFree86.log it complains at the bottom about the
> > card info in the xf86PciInfo.h  which I have already included in that
> > but after compiling the kernel using make World and make Install , it
> > generate the XF86Config-4 file, So I am sure even after installing the
> > XFree86 v4.1.0 it was still running the old one.
> >
> __________________________________________________
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> # XFree86 4.0 configuration generated by Xconfigurator
> Section "ServerLayout"
> Identifier "XFree86 Configured"
> Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
> InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
> InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
> EndSection
> # By default, Red Hat Linux 6.0 and later use xfs
> Section "Files"
> FontPath "unix/:7100"
> EndSection
> # Module loading section
> Section "Module"
> Load  "dbe" # Double-buffering
> Load  "GLcore" # OpenGL support
> Load  "dri" # Direct rendering infrastructure
> Load  "glx" # OpenGL X protocol interface
> Load  "extmod" # Misc. required extensions
> Load  "v4l" # Video4Linux
> # Load  "pex5" # PHIGS for X 3D environment (obsolete)
> # Load  "record" # X event recorder
> # Load  "xie" # X Image Extension (obsolete)
> # You only need the following two modules if you do not use xfs.
> # Load  "freetype" # TrueType font handler
> # Load  "type1" # Adobe Type 1 font handler
> # Load  "speedo" # Adobe Speedo font handler
> EndSection
> Section "InputDevice"
> Identifier  "Keyboard0"
> Driver      "keyboard"
> Option      "XkbLayout" "us"
> EndSection
> Section "InputDevice"
> Identifier  "Mouse0"
> Driver      "mouse"
> Option      "Device" "/dev/mouse"
> Option      "Protocol" "PS/2"
> # Option      "Emulate3Buttons" "on"
> # Option      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
> EndSection
> Section "Monitor"
> Identifier "NEC AccuSync 50"
> VendorName "Unknown"
> ModelName  "Unknown"
> HorizSync 31-70
> VertRefresh 55-120
> Option "dpms"
> EndSection
> Section "Device"
> Identifier "MyCard"
> Driver "vesa"
> BoardName "Unknown"
> EndSection
> Section "Device"
> Identifier "Linux Frame Buffer"
> Driver "fbdev"
> BoardName "Unknown"
> EndSection
> Section "Screen"
> Identifier "Screen0"
> Device "MyCard"
> Monitor "NEC AccuSync 50"
> DefaultDepth 16
> Subsection "Display"
> Depth 16
> Modes "1024x768"
> EndSubSection
> EndSection
> Section "DRI"
> Mode 0666
> EndSection

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