Was it MmM who wrote on Thursday 07 February 2002 04:31:
> hi i got a problem running XFree86-...
> it is running under slackware 8.0 an installed from the package from
> Slackware current... i got a Diamond SpeedStar with Savage 4 chip..
> and when i try to run Xfree it says ...
> Could not find config file!
> - Tried:
>       /root/XF86Config
>       /etc/XF86Config
>       /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config.MagMa
>       /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config
> Fatal server error:
> No config file found!
Give it a chance Man! There's xfcfg. xconfigurator, sax(under suse) 
XF86Config, etc, etc. Get out your dostro's 'how to shine' manual and look at 
what they use to configure X

lspci tells you what's under the bonnet in your system (on the pci bus)


        Declan Moriarty

Applied Researches - Ireland's Foremost Electronic Hardware Genius

        A Slightly Serious(TM) Company

Experience is like a comb, 
that Life gives you - AFTER all your hair has fallen out!
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