
Am Sonntag, 10. Februar 2002 16:07 schrieben Sie:
> Jan Lühr wrote:
> > I haven't configured an local users, because the computer just an xdm
> > client. I'm not using startx, too. I've written am short bash script,
> > excuting the command "X -query -ac -bpp 16 &", and linked it
> > in the directory of second runlevel. If I start this script from the
> > console, erverything will be ok, but if I boot the computer with this
> > configuration, I'll have no keyboard.
> Mmmm...  Interesting.  May I ask why you want to do this?  I'm guessing
> you want just the simplest possible X terminal, tied to only one
> specific host.


> I'm also guessing that when the script gets run automatically from init
> the keyboard is somehow not yet ready.  Does the mouse work?  I'm not at
> all familiar with the start up processing of Debian, but I suggest (as a
> place to start looking) trying to get your script to run a little later
> in the process, or  put back something that you removed from the start
> up scripts (but I can't guess what).
> When you run the script from a text console, obviously the keyboard is
> already working.  When the script gets run by init the keyboard is not
> yet (known to be) ready.
Yeap, that was my first thought, too. But I've used the same installation on 
an other computer with an Ati Mach64 XServer and everything worked fine, so I 
don't thing that's a Debian thing.

Keep smiling
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