I saw this forest service road file on the talk-us and don't know how to
use it in JOSM.

"You can access the tiles at:
        Potlatch 2/JOSM - http://osm.cycle.travel/forest/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png";

I'm using JOSM so I tried File-Open Location and pasted in the url, clicked
download url and got the following:

       Cannot open URL 'http://osm.cycle.travel/forest/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png''
The following download tasks accept the URL patterns shown:

Download OSM:

   - https?://.*/api/0.6/(map|nodes?|ways?|relations?|\*).*
   - https?://.*/interpreter\?data=.*
   - https?://.*/xapi(\?.*\[@meta\]|_meta\?).*
   - https?://.*/.*\.osm

Download GPS:

   - https?://.*/(.*\.gpx)
   - https?://.*exportgpx.*
   - https?://.*(osm|openstreetmap).org/trace/\p{Digit}+/data
   - https?://.*/api/0.6/trackpoints\?bbox=.*,.*,.*,.*

Download OSM Notes:

   - https?://.*/api/0.6/notes.*
   - https?://.*/(.*\.osn(.bz2)?)

Download OSM Change:

   - https?://.*/api/0.6/changeset/\p{Digit}+/download
   - https?://.*/.*\.osc

Download OSM URL:

   - https?://www\.(osm|openstreetmap)\.org/\?lat=.*&lon=.*
   - https?://www\.(osm|openstreetmap)\.org/(.*)?#map=\p{Digit}+/.*/.*

Download Compressed OSM:

   - https?://.*/.*\.osm.(gz|bz2?|zip)

Download Compressed OSM Change:

   - https?://.*/.*\.osc.(gz|bz2?)

Download session:

   - https?://.*/.*\.jo(s|z)

Anyone know how to make this work?
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Bedford MA 10730
339-545-1737 mobile
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