MSGID: 111:4975/403 ecf7497a
PID: ALLFIX+ 6.00.18 52A58F2E
TID: GE 1.2
 Found at    : TJ'S BBS
 SysOp       : Joseph Scinta
 Telephone   : 407-330-3210
 Max Speed   : 57600
 Address     : 111:4975/403
 Flags       : CM,XX,V32B,V34,V42B
 ICQ         : 22500522

 Area : BFDS
 GET25.ZIP       75,087 GET v2.5 BATch file Enhancement utility
                         (c) 1991 Bob Stephan, Free for personal
                         use, provides Errorlevel and Environment
                         Variable interface for Keyboard and Screen
                         Input and Output, Disk and File Info plus
                         Memory and System Info.
 75,087      bytes in 1   file(s)

 Total of 75,087 in 1 file(s)

 Files are available for request as soon as they arrive, and
 can be requested at anytime.

 For a list of files, request: TJJSBBS.ZIP - FILES - ALLFILES

 This list was created with: Allfix v6.00 build 18

... Obscenity is whatever gives a judge an erection.

--- GEcho 1.20/Pro TJ'S 
 * Origin: TJ'S BBS ->[EMAIL PROTECTED]<- (111:4975/403)

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