MSGID: 111:4975/403 f345e025
PID: ALLFIX+ 6.00.18 52A58F2E
TID: GE 1.2
 Found at    : TJ'S BBS
 SysOp       : Joseph Scinta
 Telephone   : 407-330-3210
 Max Speed   : 57600
 Address     : 111:4975/403
 Flags       : CM,XX,V32B,V34,V42B
 ICQ         : 22500522

 BACKBONE.WW     31,960 List of active echos, World Wide Backbone 14th
                        November 2000
 BACKSTAT.WW      3,037 Change Status, World Wide Backbone 14th November 2000
 34,997      bytes in 2   file(s)

 Total of 34,997 in 2 file(s)

      Files are available for request as soon as they arrive,
      and can be requested at anytime.

      For a list of files, request: TJJSBBS.ZIP - FILES - ALLFILES

 This list was created with: Allfix v6.00 build 18

... The greatest problem about old age is the fear that it may go on too long.

--- GEcho 1.20/Pro TJ'S 
 * Origin: TJ'S BBS ->[EMAIL PROTECTED]<- (111:4975/403)

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