SPLIT: 03 Mar 01 20:30:42 @4207/1      0     01/02 +++++++++++
_____._.___    .______  .___ .___
\__ _:||   |   : __   \ : __|: __| network address: 111:4207/1
  |  :||   |   |  \____|| : || : | telnet://tlr2bbs.darktech.org
  |   ||   |/\ |   :  \ |   ||   | ftp://tlr2bbs.darktech.org
  |   ||   /  \|   |___\|   ||   | http://tlr2bbs.homepage.com
  |___||______/|___|    |___||___| http://www.geocities.com/qfront
this file report generated on saturday 03-03-01

fileecho: ARGUS                 desc: argus mailer distribution             
 EXARPLUS.ZIP   725,198 exAr+ - FTN mailer 甅覃  痳き諷 皀痰
                        牀 Argus
 SRIF201.ZIP    431,658 [Win9x/NT] SRIF キイΕ 2.01 - 。硅モ 襯
                        牀瘠,  牀痰襯,     UpdatedFileRequest. -
                        `  爍
甌, -Mail ┐. - `モ  か┃覓
                        ━キ . - 矚ウ│モ ━硅  瓷牀痰,
                        ∇ガキ,   Кム
, 腑痰

fileecho: DDSBBS                desc: dds - bbs file distribution           
 UUUDOS16.ZIP    25,628 UUdecode/UUencode utils for
                        DPMI/32.  You need a DPMI extender
                        (such as DOS4GW) to use these
                        programs. This is public domain
                        and all sources are included.
                        Compiled for DPMI32 using
                        Virtual Pascal v2.1 by Sean
                        Dennis.  Released on 8
                        Feburary 2001.
 UUUDPMI.ZIP     25,561 UUdecode/UUencode utils for
                        DPMI/32.  You need a DPMI extender
                        to use these programs.
                        This is public domain
                        and all sources are included.
                        Compiled for DPMI32 using
                        Virtual Pascal v2.1 by Sean
                        Dennis.  Released on 8
                        Feburary 2001.
 UUUOS2.ZIP      22,377 UUdecode/UUencode utils for
                        OS/2.  This is public domain
                        and all sources are included.
                        Compiled for OS/2 using
                        Virtual Pascal v2.1 by Sean
                        Dennis.  Released on 8
                        Feburary 2001.
 UUUWIN32.ZIP    28,231 UUdecode/UUencode utils for
                        Win32 (Windows '95, '98 and
                        NT).  This is public domain
                        and all sources are included.
                        Compiled under Virtual Pascal
                        v2.1 by Sean Dennis.

fileecho: DDSDOORS              desc: dds - door distribution               
 7S203.ZIP       41,047  THE SEVEN SAGES    Version 2.03
                          A world for the Sage engine.
                             Requires Sage Beta 5!
                          These are the FLC script files used
                              to create "The Seven Sages"
 BORD210C.ZIP   191,503 嬪様様様様様様様様様様様様様様邑
                                B.O.R.D. 2.10c        
                           Bazooka Of the Red Dragon  
                              by Pottsware 2000       
                         -Funny RPG, L.O.R.D. spoof   
                         -dorinfo1.def / door.sys     
                         -Easy setup                  
                         -Highly configurable         
                         -Registration: $2.00 (LOL)   
                         -Fun and easy to learn/play  
                         -Well-tested & improved      
                         -Complete program support    
                         -Full FOSSIL support, TELNET!
                         -Callers will love it!       
 CAT202B.ZIP    319,829 Catacombs is a game of empire builidng and strategy. 
                        The game plots
                        you as the leader of a clan, in an
                        undeveloped dungeon.  Your job is
                        to dig and mine out your dungeon, build
                        buidings to attract monsters
                        and heros to clan, and build an army of
                        monsters and heros to defend
                        your dungeon and attack other clan's
                        dungeons.  But beware, your
                        enemies are also buiding an army of their
                        own, with one thing in
                        mind, destroying you!  And, you greatest
                        defense will the complex
                        maze of hallways you create, in your
                        Supports custom created drop files,
                        multinode, external quests.
                        Created with KDrive!  Copyright 1998-2000
 D32_02.ZIP      64,296 D32 is a freeware BBS door writing library
                        for Turbo Pascal, Virtual Pascal, and/or
                        Free Pascal (with source code).  Allows easy
                        development of doors for multiple operating
                        systems.  D32 is capable of compiling native
                        DOS, Windows, OS/2 and Linux versions of your
                        door all from the same source code!  D32 also
                        supports the Door32 standard allowing your
                        doors to work over both dialup and telnet
                        sessions.  Supports 4 major drop file types,
                        pipe color codes, arrow key input, ANSI,
                        FOSSIL I/O in DOS and native serial/socket
                        I/O in 32-bit versions.
 FDOOR108.ZIP   200,756 ==========================================
                            FreeDoor v1.0.8 For Virtual Pascal
                            - Totally free! (Now under LGPL)
                            - Support for Door32.sys as well as
                              door.sys and dorinfox.def.
                            - Allows creation of socket (telnet)
                              or modem based doors.
                            - Win32 or OS/2 native doors.
                            - ANSI terminal emulation
                            - Support for Telegard, WWIV, and
                              Synchronet colour codes.
                            - And more...
                         THIS RELEASE:
                            - Corrected CGotoXY Procedure
                            - No longer uses 100% CPU
                            - Other misc fixes...
 FLC105.ZIP      38,751 ---------- FLC Compiler 1.05 ----------
                           The powerful programming language
                                  for the Sage engine
                        Documentation includes a brief list and
                        detailed explanation of of all commands.
 FLCTUT1.ZIP      3,608 The FLC tutor           Revision 1
                        Learn how to program Sage with the
                        powerful script language FLC.
 L2S500.ZIP      71,789 "Lord 2 to Sage" world converter, v5.0
                        Contains all the tools required to convert
                        entire Lord 2 worlds to Sage format.
                        Includes Map screen converter, Items
                        file converter and REF script converter.
 LS200.ZIP       26,838 THE LOST PLANET      Version 2.00
                        You run out of gas while cruising
                        the galaxy and are forced to land
                        on a strange unchartered planet to
                        look for fuel.
                          A world for the Sage engine
                              REQUIRES SAGE 1.00
                          These are the FLC script files used
                              to create "The Lost Planet"
 MAZEDND.ZIP    299,676 MazeDnd: A most Unique DnD/RPG game
                        This game has a strong esoteric bent with
                        lots of action, adventure, interaction, and
                        FULL screen Maze Grid for Dungeon Battle!
                        It has all the excitment and competition of
                        ANY RPG or DnD game available today with
                        monsters to defeat, items to collect, a
                        health spa, a Psychic Skills Strengthener,
                        marriages, gangs, good vs. evil, and
                        surprises and secret features for both the
                        player and the SYSOP! Multiple and
                        definable goals for the game can be set!
                        There are 26 Masters of Esoteric and
                        Historical fame, a 5,000 room dungeon, 170
                        monsters, 256 items to collect, and more!
 ODS611.ZIP     311,149 OpenDoors 6.1.1 Source Code
                        As of version 6.1, OpenDoors is now being
                        distributed under
                        the terms of the GNU LGPL license. The
                        latest source code for
                        the development version of OpenDoors is
                        version 6.1.1. Note
                        that this version is still under
                        development, and should be
                        treated as beta software. To save download
                        time, no library
                        files are included in this package.
 ODUTILS.ZIP    188,816 OpenDoors Utilities and Examples Package - Aug 8, 1999

 * Origin: the low road ][ bbs - [telnet://tlr2bbs.darktech.org] (111:4207/1)

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