SPLIT: 04 Mar 01 04:30:37 @4207/1      0     01/02 +++++++++++
_____._.___    .______  .___ .___
\__ _:||   |   : __   \ : __|: __| network address: 111:4207/1
  |  :||   |   |  \____|| : || : | telnet://tlr2bbs.darktech.org
  |   ||   |/\ |   :  \ |   ||   | ftp://tlr2bbs.darktech.org
  |   ||   /  \|   |___\|   ||   | http://tlr2bbs.homepage.com
  |___||______/|___|    |___||___| http://www.geocities.com/qfront
this file report generated on saturday 03-03-01

³fileecho: NASA                  desc: nasa - earth/space material           ³
 AP010303.ZIP   505,554 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
                         published Report; antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov)

³fileecho: Pub upload dir : D:   desc: tlr2bbs file areas                    ³
 ARS.ZIP        110,538 Autoroute SMTP 0.96
                        Program is designed for automatic
                        switching  between  SMTP  servers
                        depending on what network you are
                        currently working in. 
                        -(ASP)--------------[March 2001]-
                        þTotal Files: 5        þFile_id.diz: 03.02.01
                        þNewest File: 03.02.01 þOldest File: 01.28.01
                        þTotal Size : 116711   þComp Ratio : 8%
 CFTP98B.ZIP    374,878 CesarFTP v.98b - Powerful freeware FTP server
                        with tons of options. [WIN9X/NT/ME/2000] 
                        þTotal Files: 2        þFile_id.diz: 03.03.01
                        þNewest File: 03.03.01 þOldest File: 03.03.01
                        þTotal Size : 638438   þComp Ratio : 42%
 GALZA09.ZIP     19,997 `$$$, `$$$, `$$$, `$$$, `$$$, `$$$, `$$$,
                        `$$$, `$$$, ga|za ziro nine http://galza.org 
                        ,$$$' ,$$$' ,$$$' ,$$$' ,$$$' ,$$$' ,$$$' 
                        ,$$$' ,$$$' 
                        þTotal Files: 21       þFile_id.diz: 01.21.01
                        þNewest File: 01.21.01 þOldest File: 11.24.00
                        þTotal Size : 49996    þComp Ratio : 69%
 IMPURE17.ZIP    14,618 ______________       _________
                         ________\\ ______ ___ //_____\\ ______ |
                        |         __\____/_\  \  ____ ___\__  /_|
                        |  #O17  _\     _______\/   /_\   \_____\
                        |______ /______| ===== |___________| ___|
                         iMPURE!ASCii - WWW.THUGLIFE.ORG/IMPURE
                         life just aint getting with it - 
                        þTotal Files: 20       þFile_id.diz: 10.22.00
                        þNewest File: 10.22.00 þOldest File: 10.22.00
                        þTotal Size : 37383    þComp Ratio : 72%
 IMPURE18.ZIP    30,301 __ ____ ___ ________ _____ ___________
                        |  _\  /_\  \  ___ ___\_  /_   #OOO18  |
                        |__\ \/  ____\/  /_\   |____\__________|
                        ./______|    |__________|              |
                        :                                      |
                        |  I M P U R E ! A S C I I  # O O 1 8  :
                        |                                      .
                        |   1   9   4   O   -   2   O   O   1  |
                        |                                      |
                        |____                        _/\\______|
                        | oo |______________________\\______  _|
                        |____| o-[27.O1.O1]-oooooooooooooo \\/
                        þTotal Files: 32       þFile_id.diz: 01.28.01
                        þNewest File: 01.28.01 þOldest File: 01.28.01
                        þTotal Size : 133583   þComp Ratio : 82%
 IMPURE19.ZIP    44,663 _/\\_______/\\_  ___/\_______  __//\_
                        |         /     \  _______ ____|_    /_
                        | pO!@   /______ \/      /_\    |______\
                        |       /       |         |      |  _  .
                        |      / #OOO19 |         |      | | | |
                        |_//\_/         |_____//\_|_/\\__| |_| |
                        |                                      |
                        |  I M P U R E   A S C I I   1 9 4 O   |
                        |__   -+- THE LEGACY MOVES ON -+-    __|
                        |  \                       27.O2.O1 /  |
                        þTotal Files: 32       þFile_id.diz: 02.27.01
                        þNewest File: 02.27.01 þOldest File: 02.27.01
                        þTotal Size : 248206   þComp Ratio : 85%
 MREC1072.ZIP     9,751 Turbo Pascal file records for Mystic BBS
                        software version 1.07.2. 
                        þTotal Files: 2        þFile_id.diz: 02.26.01
                        þNewest File: 02.26.01 þOldest File: 02.26.01
                        þTotal Size : 29903    þComp Ratio : 76%
 MUPG_107.ZIP   809,226 .-------------------------------------------.
                        | Mystic BBS v1.07.2        UPGRADE PACKAGE |
                        `------------ www.mysticbbs.com ------------'
                         This is the upgrade package for existing
                         Mystic BBS 1.06 SysOps ONLY.  If you are new
                         to Mystic, you must download the full
                         installation package.  This package includes
                         the upgrade for both the DOS and Windows
                         versions of Mystic BBS 1.06.
                        þTotal Files: 6        þFile_id.diz: 02.07.01
                        þNewest File: 02.25.01 þOldest File: 02.07.01
                        þTotal Size : 835239   þComp Ratio : 4%
 RMRS-40.ZIP     32,791 __)\|/(__
                         ________|             |________
                         \\      |      ÌÎÎ    |       //
                           \  ___|   ____ÃÎ   .|___   /
                          __\__\\  .4ÎÎ7`ÃÎ .:::://__/__
                         |       ,dÎÎ7` ÌÎÎ:::`  '::::. |
                         |    ,jÎÎÎ7`   ÌÎÎ:::    ::::: |
                         |  <ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ::::,.:::::: |
                        _|     ``````'''ÎÎÎ`-::::::::'  :_
                        r E M O R S E  p A C K  f O R T Y
                        perfection in all styles, since 94
                        þTotal Files: 39       þFile_id.diz: 02.23.01
                        þNewest File: 02.23.01 þOldest File: 02.04.01
                        þTotal Size : 98106    þComp Ratio : 73%
 SCLR-15.ZIP    169,227 . ;;` .
                              . ;;.|.: ;
                              `;` ;.  ; ;
                           ,..., `|;; .
                        :  /_-_\ _;|_ ( rule da wrld.
                        :   ` '______ : ______   ____     ______
                        :    _\\  __/__\\  __/__|  _|____\\  __/_
                        :    \___ \   |        /   \   /     _   |
                        : _ __  ___  ____  _____  ______ ____/   \
                        :                                   /_____\
                        :   s   ec      u  l    a    r    15
                        asd/x,.____________....   .... . (xx-xx-01)
                        þTotal Files: 63       þFile_id.diz: 02.20.01
                        þNewest File: 02.21.01 þOldest File: 01.13.00
                        þTotal Size : 341118   þComp Ratio : 53%
 WWASH35.ZIP  1,177,156 Window Washer 3.5 [WIN9X/NT/ME/2000] -
                        Excellent program that cleans up logs, cache,
                        and data files left over from surfing the 
                        net. Completely hide your tracks to preserve 
                        privacy online! Recovers hard drive space, 
                        resulting in a faster computer. Tons of 
                        plugins available to clean up logs and files 
                        left over from AOL5, ICQ2000, Netscape, and 
                        hundreds of other programs and applications. 
                        þTotal Files: 2        þFile_id.diz: 03.03.01
                        þNewest File: 03.03.01 þOldest File: 03.03.01
                        þTotal Size : 1231771  þComp Ratio : 5%

³fileecho: bbs - bbs software    desc: tlr2bbs file areas                    ³
 MBB03315.ZIP 2,194,856 -= MBSE BBS System v0.33.15 for Linux =- MBSE
                        BBS is a full Fidonet capable ANSI bbs 
                        package including a mailer (ifcico clone), 
                        tosser, ticfile processor, filefind and other
                        utilities. The bbs supports full configurable
                        ANSI menus, multiple languages, IEMSI, 
                        standard file transfer protocols, native 
                        Linux doors and BlueWave and QWK offline 
                        readers. The mailer supports FTS-0001, 
                        YooHoo/2U2, EMSI protocols over modem, TCP/IP
                        IFC and Binkd protocol. Zedzap, Zmodem, 
                        Telink and Hydra file transfer protocols. 
                        Full FTN mail support, including automatic 
                        routing for hub and host systems. Internal 
                        mail format is JAM (c) messagebase. Full tic 
                        file support, including extended tic files. 
                        Costsharing will be added later. Originating 
                        þTotal Files: 782      þFile_id.diz: 01.30.01
                        þNewest File: 01.30.01 þOldest File: 08.11.00
                        þTotal Size : 6048335  þComp Ratio : 66%
 NXDEV701.ZIP    68,171 Nexus Bulletin Board System v0.99 BETA  (DOS)
                        NEXUS DEVELOPERS KIT  - Released Nov 17, 2000
                        Includes information  regarding file formats,
                        programming tips,  Certified Nexus Compatible
                        program, file handling information,  log file
                        formats,  and more.  Turbo Pascal  compatible
                        structures and NOW INCLUDES C/C++ STRUCTURES!
                        PRE-RELEASE REV 7.01  http://www.nexusbbs.net
                        þTotal Files: 8        þFile_id.diz: 11.17.00
                        þNewest File: 11.17.00 þOldest File: 11.10.00
                        þTotal Size : 301233   þComp Ratio : 79%
 NXPB9935.ZIP 1,373,260 Nexus Bulletin Board System v0.99.35    (DOS)
                        PUBLIC BETA Full Installation -- Feb 09, 2001

 * Origin: the low road ][ bbs - [telnet://tlr2bbs.darktech.org] (111:4207/1)

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