MSGID: 111:4708/300@stn 2a8a4068
PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.4 AA989FFF
TID: FastEcho 1.46.1 9999
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         fidonet - 1:220/10  stn - 111:4708/300  justaxnet - 510:320/5
                 xpressit - 782:130/200  micronet - 618:100/1

date: Tuesday 04-10-2001

the following files are now available:

 --[UTILNET]--------------[UtilNet: DOS End User Utilities]-------------------

                        ³             - AEFDISK v1.8 -          ³
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                        ³     Create or delete any types of     ³
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                        ³  Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Nagy Daniel  ³
                        ³              04-02-2001               ³
                        ³      E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      ³
                        ³        ³

 25,479 bytes in 1 file(s)

 Total of 25,479 in 1 file(s)

 * Origin: Nexus Support BBS - telnet:// (111:4708/300)

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