MSGID: 111:4708/300@stn 2a8b08b6
PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.4 AA989FFF
TID: FastEcho 1.46.1 9999
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         fidonet - 1:220/10  stn - 111:4708/300  justaxnet - 510:320/5
                 xpressit - 782:130/200  micronet - 618:100/1

date: Wednesday 04-11-2001

the following files are now available:

 --[FS_PIC]---------------[FS: Pictures]--------------------------------------

 PB0_00GL.JPG   115,103 (800x557x256) TGM PIC: AVIATION - CONI 03
 PB0_00GM.JPG   102,178 (800x522x256) TGM PIC: AVIATION - CONI 04
 PB0_00GN.JPG   129,826 (800x542x256) TGM PIC: AVIATION - COPIC YEAGER
 PB0_00GO.JPG    49,858 (640x420x256) TGM PIC: AVIATION - COPY OF A 7D VA1
 PB0_00GP.JPG    51,316 (640x420x256) TGM PIC: AVIATION - COPY OF A7D700935
 PB0_00GQ.JPG    83,428 (640x420x256) TGM PIC: AVIATION - COPY OF A7D700981
 PB0_00GR.JPG    30,997 (640x420x256) TGM PIC: AVIATION - COPY OF A7D741737
 PB0_00GS.JPG    52,198 (640x421x256) TGM PIC: AVIATION - COPY OF M3 REV EC113
 PB0_00GT.JPG    61,626 (800x600x256) TGM PIC: AVIATION - CORSAIR 85B
 PB0_00GU.JPG    60,060 (799x548x256) TGM PIC: AVIATION - CORSAIR 5

 736,590 bytes in 10 file(s)

 --[G_BSD]----------------[GamesNet: BSD Arcade]------------------------------

 D12XB423.ZIP 1,092,534 XBoard 4.2.3 - GPLWare
                        XBoard is a graphical user interfaces for
                        chess. They display a chessboard on the
                        screen accept moves made with the mouse
                        and load and save games in Portable Game
                        Notation PGN . Xboard works with a wide
                        variety of other chess games refer to the
                        home page for details.
                        Orig.: xboard-4.2.3.tar.gz
 D9FXB423.ZIP   227,937 XBoard 4.2.3 - GPLWare
                        XBoard is a graphical user interfaces for
                        chess. They display a chessboard on the
                        screen accept moves made with the mouse
                        and load and save games in Portable Game
                        Notation PGN . Xboard works with a wide
                        variety of other chess games refer to the
                        home page for details.
                        Orig.: xboard-4.2.3-fbstab.tgz
 DB7XB423.ZIP   227,982 XBoard 4.2.3 - GPLWare
                        XBoard is a graphical user interfaces for
                        chess. They display a chessboard on the
                        screen accept moves made with the mouse
                        and load and save games in Portable Game
                        Notation PGN . Xboard works with a wide
                        variety of other chess games refer to the
                        home page for details.
                        Orig.: xboard-4.2.3-fbcurr.tgz

 1,548,453 bytes in 3 file(s)

 Total of 2,285,043 in 13 file(s)

 * Origin: Nexus Support BBS - telnet:// (111:4708/300)

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