MSGID: 111:7045/0@stn 2c53b984
PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.4 B921F76F
 Today, Tuesday the 19-02-02, recieve The KOFO BBS (111:7045/0) following

 >Area  : GFD.APP.AR     : GFD [APP]: Packers and UnPackers
 ACVT_O16.ZIP    36,201 Archive Converter. Version 1.30 Copyright (c) Sergey
                        Chehuta 2000-2001.
 ACVT_O32.ZIP    40,588 Archive Converter. Version 1.30 Copyright (c) Sergey
                        Chehuta 2000-2001.
 76,789      bytes in 2   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.APP.ED     : GFD [APP]: Editors of all kinds (Text,
 FED0221S.ZIP   262,341 Fast Editor Lite (FED) Version 0.2.21
                        FED is VIO mode programmers editor. It's
                        fast, small in size
                        and flexible. Most notable features of FED:
                        - CUA style blocks
                        - Full UNDO
                        - Syntax highlighting for
                        - Stream and rectangular blocks
                        - Auto indent/smart C++ indent
                        - Conversion to upper/lower case
                        characters/blocks with NLS support
                        - Bracket matching for ()/{}/[]/<> bracket
                        - Flexible key assignment
                        - Transparent with PM clipboard
                        - Block sort of rectangular blocks with NLS
                        collate support
                        - Keyboard macro recorder/player
                        - REXX macro support
                        - Saving of last cursor position and other
                        data in Extended Attributes
                        - Unix/DOS file formats supported
                        - Up to 10 user accessible JumpLists
                        - kbInit/kbDone/kbTimer pseudo keys
                        - Word wraping
                        - Named pipe interface
                        - Optional opening of file in one instance
                        of the editor
                        - Configurable smart indent for
                        - Support for "flashing" matching bracket
 262,341     bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.APP.FI     : GFD [APP]: File- and Disk-Manager
 MC.ZIP       1,761,499 mc version 4.5.51. The Midnight Commander is
                        Norton Commander clone, a program that
                        and manages files and directories. Useful,
                        and has color displays on the Linux console.
                        Mouse support is provided through the gpm
                        server. This is a lightweight compilation of
                        for use on the text console or in an xterm.
                        was written by Miguel de Icaza and Mauricio
 1,761,499   bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.APP.MI     : GFD [APP]: All other stuff than those
 PSICONV.ZIP    631,395 Psion<->OS/2 data file convert utility
                        Command line mode Psion data file convert
                        For people why doesn't want to download whole
                        psiftp package. OS/2 port of the original
                        utility by Frodo Looijaard.
 PSIFTP.ZIP   1,180,233 Psion OS/2 utilities (v1.4) Text mode
                        utilities for Psion Series 3(5). For a files
                        transfer and files conversion, with a Rexx
                        interface. This utilities don't use any
                        stack calls. By Andrei A. Porodko. Operating
                        System/Version: OS/2 v2, v3, v4, v4.5, Psion
                        Series 3, Sienna, Series 5, Series 5Mx,
                        Revo etc.
 VICE-18.ZIP  3,473,884 Versatile Commodore Emulator for OS/2
                        version 1.8.
                        Ported by Thomas Bretz (26 Jan 2002)
 5,285,512   bytes in 3   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.DEV.RE     : GFD [DEV]: REXX-Samples, LIBS, DLLs
 PPWADDON.ZIP   275,296 PPWizard version 02.038 Free generic preprocessor
                        (html/rexx/ipf/inf etc). Several addons for PPWIZARD
                        by Denis Bareis
 PPWHDOCO.ZIP 1,210,302 PPWizard version 02.038 Free generic preprocessor
                        (html/rexx/ipf/inf etc). Documentation in HTML
                        format. By Dennis Bareis
 PPWIDOCO.ZIP   304,352 PPWizard version 02.038 Free generic preprocessor
                        (html/rexx/ipf/inf etc). Documentation in INF
                        format. By Dennis Bareis
 PPWOS2.ZIP     158,930 PPWizard version 02.038 Free generic preprocessor
                        (html/rexx/ipf/inf etc). Generic preprocessor with
                        specific support for HTML and rexx. Its used by
                        e-Zine! and OS/2 supersite. Supplies usual define,
                        include, if, ifdef etc as well as many others such
 1,948,880   bytes in 4   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.DEV.TO     : GFD [DEV]: Compiler, Interpreter,
 SPLT3016.ZIP 1,452,818 Splint Version 3.0.1 - annotation-assisted
                        program checker. Copyright (C) 1994-2002
                        of Virginia, Massachusetts Institute of
                        Formerly lclint, a "better lint" for C
                        source code.
                        Splint is a tool for statically checking C
                        for security vulnerabilities and coding
                        With minimal effort, Splint can be used as a
                        lint. If additional effort is invested adding
                        annotations to programs, Splint can perform
                        stronger checking than can be done by any
                        standard lint.
 1,452,818   bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.DEV.XM     : GFD [DEV]: Samples mit sourcen
 LSW260SR.ZIP   110,520 Source code for lSwitcher 2.60
 110,520     bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.DOS.WO     : GFD [DOS]: WonOS2-Specific Tools,
 CAL325UP.ZIP   374,866 Calmira II 3.25 update. This file will update Calmira
                        II 3.2 to 3.25. Calmira II 3.2 needs to be installed
                        before installing this update release.
 374,866     bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.NET.MI     : GFD [NET]: Alles andere in dieser
 QCEOS214.ZIP    38,770 QuickChat/2 version 1.4 - chat application for home
                        networks (compatible with Windows quickchat).
 38,770      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.NET.TC     : GFD [NET]: TCP/IP For OS/2 2.x
 SQUID2.ZIP     566,253 Squid Cache version 2.5.OS2_VAC Feb 17 2002 for
                        ibm-os2. Squid 2.5++ tech.alpha preview.
 566,253     bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.SYS.DI     : GFD [SYS]: HD + CD Device drivers
 MO640.ZIP       69,930 MO640 V 1.0. (C) Marcel Mller 1999-2002.
                        FAT-Superfloppies with more than 512bps with
                        other OS. This is designed for usage together
                        with N512DASD.FLT, which makes disks with 2k/
                        sector from other OS unreadable.
 UX2_BASE.ZIP   100,364 This is ux2_base, the basic UnixOS/2 filesystem and
                        installation package.
 170,294     bytes in 2   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.SYS.DR     : GFD [SYS]: Different device drivers
 AMOU20GB.ZIP   892,275 AMouse version 2.00.60 - The driver for mice
                        with wheel.
                        This driver will work with all standard mice
                        as well as
                        with mice with a wheel, e. g.: Logitech
                        Pilot Mouse+
                        with serial or PS/2 port, Logitech Mouse
                        Microsoft Intellimouse, IBM Scrollpoint
                        Typhoon 40159, Trust 250S. The settings of
                        mouse may be setup via the mouse
                        program in the system configuration folder.
                        an alternative a program is supported, that
                        allows for the configuration of the mouse
                        use of the workplace shell. German release.
 AMOU20UB.ZIP   859,551 AMouse version 2.00.60 - The driver for mice
                        with wheel.
                        This driver will work with all standard mice
                        as well as
                        with mice with a wheel, e. g.: Logitech
                        Pilot Mouse+
                        with serial or PS/2 port, Logitech Mouse
                        Microsoft Intellimouse, IBM Scrollpoint
                        Typhoon 40159, Trust 250S. The settings of
                        mouse may be setup via the mouse
                        program in the system configuration folder.
                        an alternative a program is supported, that
                        allows for the configuration of the mouse
                        use of the workplace shell. English release.
 NDPPSION.ZIP   113,504 Psion OS/2 NetDrive plugin (v1.4). Psion
                        plugin is
                        a dynamic loadable library for Psion link
                        and file
                        access protocols. Strictly speaking, every
                        plugin is a part of the NetDrive IFS (NDFS).
                        treats NDFS as one IFS, but actually it is a
                        set of
                        IFSes with a common interface. So, this
                        design allows,
                        just with one or two commands, load and
                        unload different
                        IFSs, mount and unmount resources with
                        different inner
                        structure and nature without rebooting. The
                        IFS design
                        also allows to integrate different resources
                        into OS/2
                        seamlessly. Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Andrei
                        A. Porodko
 1,865,330   bytes in 3   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.SYS.MI     : GFD [SYS]: Miscellaneous device drivers
 OSF_EN.ZIP   5,333,556 osFree Technology Preview [en_us].
                        Compatible with IBM OS/2 v 4.00.
                        Free for personal noncommercial use.
 5,333,556   bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.SYS.TO     : GFD [SYS]: Miscellaneous Tools for the ....
 LVMGUI.ZIP       4,257 Runs LVMGui under JDK 1.3 .Copyright (c) Frank
                        Ambacher 2002
 PUMON2S.ZIP    156,495 PU Monitor 2.1
                        Small yet functional system monitoring tool
                        for OS/2
                        written by Sergey I. Yevtushenko.
                        It is free and full source code is included.
                        Features of PU Monitor:
                          - CPU Usage
                          - TCP/IP traffic
                          - Free RAM
                          - Uptime
                          - POP3 mailbox checker
                          - Connection monitor
                          - Customizable look and feel.
                          - Small amount of consumed desktop space.
                          - Unique 'Attach to Warp Center' feature.
 160,752     bytes in 2   file(s)

 >Area  : G_FLY.FS.M     : GamesNet: FS Micellaneous Files
 F93SZP.ZIP   7,705,007 Project Opensky BOEING 747-300 SOUTH
                        AFRICAN AIRWAYS 48-sided based Variable
                        Sided Fuelage POSKY Original Technique
                        Moving flaperon s spoileron s aileron s
                        elevator s rudder and fan blade s Tilting
                        bogie s gear bay s. All highly detailed
                        night lighting flashing beacon
                        s.Transparent cockpit windshield with 3-D
                        pilot s. D esigned By Mitsushi Yutaka
                        Hiroshi Igami Flight Dynamics by Johan C
                        Dees Tested by Project-Opensky Members
                        Painted by Hiroshi Igami and Vincent C.
                        Cho. WHITE PAINT KIT Repainted by GERAIN
                        REMY [EMAIL PROTECTED] Repainted by
                        GERAIN REMY [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 7,705,007   bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : G_FLY.FS.P     : GamesNet: FS Panel
 F3ARLCNC.ZIP 17,622,01 Real Concorde panel for MS FS2000 FS2002
                        This is a Concorde Photo realistic Panel
                        created using different pictures and
                        gauges from internet web sites. Features
                        : ACSGPS radio altitude callout ACS Crew
                        dialogs and Pushback auto brake FS2002
                        icons ...display/toggle . photorealistic
                        : yoke visor main panel overhead wide
                        cockpit view and all other side views
                        gauges position aesthetics. A new
                        operational Cockpit wide view with night
                        lightning Most of gauges are readable
                        since low resolution .
 17,622,016  bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : REGION23       : Backbone: Region 23 Nodelist [ZIP]
 REGION23.Z53     3,663 Region 23 nodelist segment for day number 053
 3,663       bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : WWB_FWDL       : Backbone: WWB - Forward Lists
 WWB-GER.224     30,939 Zone 2 Region 24 German Echos Forward List
 30,939      bytes in 1   file(s)

 Ialt 44,769,805 i 28 fil(er)

  ALLFIX v5.13 build 4.

                        Fidonet  2:236/150
                   E-mail Freq: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 * Origin: -=** The KOFOBBS - **=- (111:7045/0)

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