MSGID: 73:1050/0@RANet 2cadc5a1
PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.4 B921F76F
 Today, Monday the 13-05-02, recieve The KOFO BBS (73:1050/0) following fil(s).

     * Send your fil-request by E-mail    ------>  To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                   Subj.:  freq
     * Download online by WEB on address          freq <filename>                      freq <filename>

 >Area  : G_EMUL.DOS     : GamesNet: Emulators + AddOn's for DOS
 G0CSNS01.ZIP    59,482 USNES v0.1b - Emulation
                        PC Win/Dos SNES - DOS
                        If there is a more useless SNES emulator
                        than VSMC this has to be it. It only had
                        two releases both which were slow and
                        buggy. The USNES team is now programming
                        the emulator TheSE but progress on it
                        seems to be stalled. This one is simply
                        here for nostalgic reasons as it only
                        runs a few demos.
 G6CZ0991.ZIP   332,828 ZSNES ZSNES SourceForge ZSNES French
               v0.991r - Emulation
                        PC Win/Dos SNES - DOSd
                        This is the fastest SNES emulator in
                        existence. It features all SNES screen
                        modes as well as add/sub transparencies
                        in 16 bit graphics mode VESA2 support is
                        required mosaic effects Super FX
                        emulation Star Fox etc DSP1 emulation
                        Mario Kart etc C4 emulation MegaMan X2/3
                        real time saving and a really great GUI
                        which lets you configure the emulator to
                        your heart s content. It has interpolated
                        sound and it will really blow you away It
                        also supports the snes mouse and has a
                        slew of other options as well including
                        movie recording and modem to modem
                        netplay zsKnight _Demo_ and Pharos have
                        certainly outdone themselves. This is the
                        SNES emulator of choice Check out the
                        SourceForge site for a copy of the source
                        code. is a multi-player
                        service for ZSNES. uses a
                        centralized server which means everybody
                        using it will be able to join your game.
               currently only supports the
                        Windows version of ZSNES.
 G88VSMCZ.ZIP    77,832 VSMC v9702d - Emulation
                        PC Win/Dos SNES - DOS
                        This emulator is useless. It is one of
                        the oldest remaining files on Zophar s
                        Domain. It is here to remind you of what
                        SNES emulation used to be like. Download
                        at your own risk.
 470,142     bytes in 3   file(s)

 >Area  : G_EMUL.LIN     : GamesNet: Emulator for LINUX
 G1DPS152.ZIP   166,559 Playstation Sony - ePSXe: ePSXe V1.52
                        PLAYSTATION - Linux
 G8AN1380.ZIP   190,048 Nintendo Entertainment System NES - iNES:
                        iNES V1.3
                        NES - Linux
 356,607     bytes in 2   file(s)

 >Area  : G_EMUL.WIN     : GamesNet: Emulators + AddOn's for WIN 3.x
 G70Z1170.ZIP   469,860 ZSNES ZSNES SourceForge ZSNES French
               vr0.85r - Emulation
                        PC Win/Dos SNES - Windows
                        This is the fastest SNES emulator in
                        existence. It features all SNES screen
                        modes as well as add/sub transparencies
                        in 16 bit graphics mode VESA2 support is
                        required mosaic effects Super FX
                        emulation Star Fox etc DSP1 emulation
                        Mario Kart etc C4 emulation MegaMan X2/3
                        real time saving and a really great GUI
                        which lets you configure the emulator to
                        your heart s content. It has interpolated
                        sound and it will really blow you away It
                        also supports the snes mouse and has a
                        slew of other options as well including
                        movie recording and modem to modem
                        netplay zsKnight _Demo_ and Pharos have
                        certainly outdone themselves. This is the
                        SNES emulator of choice Check out the
                        SourceForge site for a copy of the source
                        code. is a multi-player
                        service for ZSNES. uses a
                        centralized server which means everybody
                        using it will be able to join your game.
               currently only supports the
                        Windows version of ZSNES.
 469,860     bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : G_EMUL.WIN     : GamesNet: Emulators + AddOn's for WIN 9x
 G50GS029.ZIP   275,435 Sega 32x - Ages: Ages V0.29a auch
                        SEGA32 - Win 9x
 275,435     bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : G_FLY.FS.A     : GamesNet: FS AirCraft
 F16NG757.ZIP   831,562 This is fully updated original repaint of
                        AmericaWest 757..New tail and full night
                        textures. Original flight model by David
                        Randolph. Repaint and lightnings by
                        Matevz Mevzelj.
 831,562     bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : G_FLY.FS.A     : GamesNet: FS AirPort
 FBDL2002.ZIP 1,963,693 FS2002 Scenery--NEW YORK LA GUARDIA
                        AIRPORT. Detailed scenery of the smallest
                        of the three main New York area airports.
                        by Shehryar Ansari FS2002 Scenery--NEW
                        YORK LA GUARDIA AIRPORT. Detailed scenery
                        of the smallest of the three main New
                        York area airports. by Shehryar Ansari
 1,963,693   bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : G_FLY.FS.F     : GamesNet: FS FS2002 Related
 FD0MSC03.ZIP 2,576,506 Mission-Control version: 0.3 date : 07th
                        may 2002 author : Hans-Peter Jacobs
                        contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        license: Freeware simulat: FS 2002 The
                        freeware-tool Mission-Control introduces
                        a rating-system into the FS 2002-world.
                        It can be used to verify flight-routes
                        watch limits evaluate landing-approaches
                        and a lot more. For reaching checkpoints
                        you get bonus-points for violating limits
                        e.g. bank bad landing .. your score will
                        be reduced. Within the release there are
                        4 demo-mission and the MC-files for
                        Microsoft s FS2002 Hawaii-adventure.
                        Since version 0.2 a second tool for VA s
                        evaluating records of multiple pilots is
                        included. Requires fsuipc.dll tested with
                        2.83 and 2.85.
 2,576,506   bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : G_FLY.FS.T     : GamesNet: FS Texturen
 FDCNZPZP.ZIP   461,039 FS2002/FS2000 BOEING 737 400 AIRONE
                        TEMPLATE FOR 737 DREAMFLEET USING WITH
 461,039     bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : G_TRAIN        : GamesNet: Trainer
 TC8_PRJC.ZIP    17,717 Project Earth Trainer
 TD5_CMB5.ZIP    85,100 Combat Medic Special Ops Trainer 5
 102,817     bytes in 2   file(s)

 Ialt 7,507,661 i 13 fil(er)

  ALLFIX v5.13 build 4.

                        Fidonet  2:236/150
                   E-mail Freq: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 * Origin: -=** The KOFOBBS - **=- (73:1050/0)

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