MSGID: 111:7045/1@stn 2cc7642b
PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.4 B921F76F
 Today, Friday the 07-06-02, recieve The KOFO BBS (111:7045/1) following

     * Send your fil-request by E-mail    ------>  To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                   Subj.:  freq
     * Download online by WEB on address          freq <filename>                      freq <filename>

 >Area: G_CHEAT                : GamesNet: Cheats
 C03KGBCN.ZIP     6,072 Conspiracy - cheat
 C11CNQNW.ZIP       794 Conquest Of the New World - cheat
 C3FCNFLC.ZIP       502 Conflict Zone - cheat
 C6ECNQNW.ZIP       499 Conquest Of the New World: Deluxe Edition
                        - cheat
 C9CNGHTM.ZIP     1,185 Congo: Descent Into Zinj - cheat
 CAFCNSCH.ZIP     1,163 Constructor - cheat
 CB3CNTCR.ZIP       422 Continental Circus - cheat
 CC9CNQFW.ZIP       874 Conquest - Frontier Wars - cheat
 CCBC1086.ZIP       504 Conqueror 1086 A.D. - cheat
 CE4CLH21.ZIP     1,231 Cool 21 - cheat
 13,246      bytes in 10  file(s)

 >Area: G_DIFF                 : GamesNet: NodeDiff GamesNet
 GAMEDIFF.A58       169 GamesNet NodeDiff KW 23/2002
 169         bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area: G_EMUL.DOS             : GamesNet: Emulators + AddOn's for DOS
 G3BVTF99.ZIP   151,717 V9T9 v6.00 - Emulation
                        PC Win/Dos TI99 - DOS
                        This is a nice but no longer supported by
                        its author TI-99 emulator for DOS. It
                        runs most TI-99 games and programs but it
                        might be a bit hard to get to work on
                        newer machines since it involves some
                        config file editing. This is a fix for
                        the emulator if it doesn t detect your
                        computer as faster than a 386. This is
                        the source code for V9T9. You ll need
                        these TI-99 ROMs for the emulator to be
                        able to run games and BASIC and all that
                        other neat stuff.
 G86VTZ99.ZIP   930,578 V9T9 v6.00 - Emulation
                        PC Win/Dos TI99 - DOS
                        This is a nice but no longer supported by
                        its author TI-99 emulator for DOS. It
                        runs most TI-99 games and programs but it
                        might be a bit hard to get to work on
                        newer machines since it involves some
                        config file editing. This is a fix for
                        the emulator if it doesn t detect your
                        computer as faster than a 386. This is
                        the source code for V9T9. You ll need
                        these TI-99 ROMs for the emulator to be
                        able to run games and BASIC and all that
                        other neat stuff.
 G99VTS99.ZIP   714,893 V9T9 Source v6.00 - Emulation
                        PC Win/Dos TI99 - DOS
                        This is a nice but no longer supported by
                        its author TI-99 emulator for DOS. It
                        runs most TI-99 games and programs but it
                        might be a bit hard to get to work on
                        newer machines since it involves some
                        config file editing. This is a fix for
                        the emulator if it doesn t detect your
                        computer as faster than a 386. This is
                        the source code for V9T9. You ll need
                        these TI-99 ROMs for the emulator to be
                        able to run games and BASIC and all that
                        other neat stuff.
 1,797,188   bytes in 3   file(s)

 >Area: G_EMUL.OS2             : GamesNet: Emulator for the OS/2
 O58QLYC2.ZIP    88,650 QLAY-Config/2 v1.2.0
                        Req. OS/2 Warp 4 or eComStation
 88,650      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area: G_EMUL.UNIX            : GamesNet: Emulator for LINUX/UNIX
 G11B1438.ZIP 1,811,930 Bochs v1.4 - Emulation
                        UNIX PC - Unix/X11
                        Bochs is a PC emulator written by Kevin
                        Lawton. It is capable of emulating enough
                        of the components of a modern PC to run
                        Windows 95 and Linux as well as a few
                        other PC operating systems. Bochs runs on
                        Windows 95 98 and NT various flavors of
                        UNIX and BeOS.
 GA0DS040.ZIP   230,839 DOSBox v0.40 - Emulation
                        UNIX PC - Unix
                        Bochs is a PC emulator written by Kevin
                        Lawton. It is capable of emulating enough
                        of the components of a modern PC to run
                        Windows 95 and Linux as well as a few
                        other PC operating systems. Bochs runs on
                        Windows 95 98 and NT various flavors of
                        UNIX and BeOS.
 GD4BCH14.ZIP 1,389,435 Bochs Source v1.4 - Emulation
                        UNIX PC - Unix/X11
                        Bochs is a PC emulator written by Kevin
                        Lawton. It is capable of emulating enough
                        of the components of a modern PC to run
                        Windows 95 and Linux as well as a few
                        other PC operating systems. Bochs runs on
                        Windows 95 98 and NT various flavors of
                        UNIX and BeOS.
 3,432,204   bytes in 3   file(s)

 >Area: G_EMUL.WIN             : GamesNet: Emulators + AddOn's for WIN 3.x
 G31VQZ71.ZIP   238,164 Virtual Aquarius v0.71 - Emulation
                        PC Win/Dos AQUARIUS - Windows
                        A very complete emulator for the Mattel
                        Aquarius. At least a Celeron 400 is
                        recommended for optimum performance.
 238,164     bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area: G_EMUL.WIN_9X          : GamesNet: Emulators + AddOn's for WIN 9x
 G48TRMSZ.ZIP    65,110 Classic99 TI-99 ROMs vAlpha 3.1 -
                        PC Win/Dos TI99 - Win9x
                        TI-99/4A Classic99 is a freeware TI-99/4A
                        emulator for Windows 9x. Classic99 runs
                        most things fine. You ll need these TI-99
                        ROMs for the emulator to be able to run
                        games and BASIC and all that other neat
 G6BDC601.ZIP   132,098 DCMO6 v0.1 - Emulation
                        PC Win/Dos DCMO6 - Win9x
                        CDMO6 emulates the Thompson MO6 MO5NR and
                        PC128. The program uses DC6809 which is a
                        Motarola 6809 mircoprocessor emulator.
 GCBCLS99.ZIP   296,246 Classic99 vAlpha 3.1 - Emulation
                        PC Win/Dos TI99 - Win9x
                        TI-99/4A Classic99 is a freeware TI-99/4A
                        emulator for Windows 9x. Classic99 runs
                        most things fine. You ll need these TI-99
                        ROMs for the emulator to be able to run
                        games and BASIC and all that other neat
 493,454     bytes in 3   file(s)

 >Area: G_INFO                 : GamesNet: Infos
 GN020607.ZIP    18,036 GamesNet InfoFile KW 23/2002
 18,036      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area: G_NODE                 : GamesNet: Nodelists
 GAMESNET.A58    92,075 GamesNet NodeList KW 23/2002
 92,075      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area: G_TRAIN                : GamesNet: Trainer
 T93_THSM.ZIP    23,837 The Sum of All Fears Trainer
 23,837      bytes in 1   file(s)

 Ialt 6,197,023 i 25 fil(er)

  ALLFIX v5.13 build 4.

                        Fidonet  2:236/150
                   E-mail Freq: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 * Origin: -=** The KOFOBBS - **=- (111:7045/1)

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