We Must Hear More Matt Damon

Ignorance and bigotry in Obama's name? Yes we can!

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We Must Hear More Matt Damon

September 11, 2008

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RUSH: Yesterday in an interview with the Associated Press, noted celebutard 
Matt Damon.

DAMON:  You do the actuary tables, you know, there's a one-out-of-three chance, 
if not more, that McCain doesn't survive his first term, and it will be 
President Palin, and it's like a really bad Disney movie.  You know, the hockey 
mom, you know, "Oh, I'm just a hockey mom from Alaska," and she's the 
president, and it's like she's facing down Vladimir Putin, and, you know, using 
the -- you know, the folksy stuff she learned at the hockey, you know, rink, 
you know, it's just -- it's absurd.

RUSH:  Matt, let me tell you something.  You need to study up on Sarah Palin, 
you will find out that she has been very open, everything she learned about 
competition, everything she learned about dealing with obstacles in her way and 
adversity she learned playing basketball, and she was good at it, and this is 
before title nine, Matt, before the feminists got their hands around high 
school and junior high school athletics.  I'll tell you what, old Matt old 
buddy, I'd rather have Sarah Palin staring down Vladimir Putin than Barack 
Obama agreeing with Putin that the United States of America is the problem in 
the world, you little jerk.  The United States of America is the solution to 
the problems in the world, and your guy, Obama, thinks we're the problem.  
"We're not as great as we once were."  "We haven't met our promise," and so 
forth.  But he can't tell you when it was better.  So when it comes down to 
staring down either Mahmoud Ahmadinejad --
 I mean it's your guy who said he would meet with these people without 
preconditions, that he would grant them the imprimatur of seriousness by 
walking them into the Oval Office.  Your guy lives in a pipe dream.  He thinks 
by the power of his personality, his messianic personality, his ability to 
persuade, that all these people are going to become our friends and we're going 
to end the strife, and there will be no tense anxiety and nobody will be 
wringing their hands together 'cause it's all going to be one perfect world of 
peace and love and harmonic convergence at Mount Shasta, ohmm.  Give me Sarah 
Palin dealing with these thugs any day.  Here's more of the celebutard Matt 

DAMON:  It's a really terrifying possibility.  The fact that we've gotten this 
far and we're that close to this being a reality is crazy, crazy.  She -- I 
mean does she really -- I need know if she really thinks dinosaurs were here 
4,000 years ago.  That's an important -- I want to know that.  I really do.  
Because she's going to have the nuclear codes, you know.  I -- I want to know 
if she thinks dinosaurs were here 4,000 years ago or if she banned books or 
tried to ban books.  I mean -- you know, we can't -- we can't have that.

RUSH:  What an idiot.  Well, there you have it.  Actually, I want to take that 
back. Matt, I'm sorry I called you a celebutard and I'm sorry I called you a 
jerk.  I am, because I want him to keep talking.  I think he's brilliant. I 
think he's got some tremendous insights here. I think Matt Damon may be on to 
something here, folks.  We need to hear more from Matt.  Matt, I'm sorry.  I 
usually don't call people names like this, and it's been a pressure packed day 
for me, too.  So I'm sorry.  You keep talking.  Keep granting these interviews 
like to Us Weekly and to Entertainment Tonight and, let's see, what else could 
you go on, some of these stupid shows -- go on American Idol, ask them for a 
speaking engagement one night on American Idol as they get ginned up here 
before the election, some such show as that.  Buy an hour's worth of TV time, 
that's right, buy an hour's worth of TV time to tell everybody how concerned 
you are with Sarah
 Palin.  Buy it on NBC, they'll sell it to you, probably cheap.  


RUSH:  We have Tonya from Fayetteville, North Carolina, Fort Bragg on the 
phone.  Tanya, nice to have you here.

CALLER:  Oh, thanks.  How you doing?

RUSH:  Very well, ma'am.

CALLER:  Me, too.  I'm going to get right to my point because my main point is, 
Golda Meir, a Milwaukee school teacher that went to Israel, was prime minister, 
and kicked butt, an ordinary, everyday woman that rose to the challenges.  Any 
woman, any person can rise to any challenges.  And I'd like to go on to Matt 
Damon and the bad Disney thing.  What's a dinosaur 4,000 years ago?  I mean, 
they weren't here 4,000 years ago, does he think that?

RUSH:  No, let me tell you what I think that is.  Now, I'm not sure about that, 
because she's never said that.  What this is is Matt Damon's bigotry, 
prejudice, and bias against fundamentalist Christians who believe the earth is 
only 10,000-year-olds.  So that's what he thinks of all Christians.  He thinks 
all evangelical Christians think that the earth is not billions and billions 
and billions of years old, it's only 10,000-year-olds.  And therefore in the 
10,000-year history of the planet the dinosaurs would have been around 4,000 
years ago.  I think that's what it is, because she's never said this.

CALLER:  I don't know where it's coming from, but, you know, his buddy, Ben 
Affleck, raised by a single mom, rose to great fame, great prominence.  Women 
can do anything.  I know.  

RUSH:  Of course they can.

CALLER:  I'm a retired first sergeant.

RUSH:  But they're not going to let a Republican woman get away with do doing 

CALLER:  Well, they're hypocrites.  I mean on one hand, oh, go out there, be 
all you can be, get a college degree--

RUSH:  Right, right, glad to see you're figuring it out.

CALLER:  -- degree, have children, run corporate America, but men, when it's 
not somebody that espouses their views --

RUSH:  Right.

CALLER:  -- oh, she needs to be home with her kids.

RUSH:  That's right.  I'm glad to see that you're figuring it out.  Better that 
people figure it out on their own than just be told by somebody.  Anyway, 
Tanya, thanks much for the phone call, I appreciate it.  


Read the Background Material...

• AP: 'Like A Really Bad Disney Movie': Actor Matt Damon Condemns Sarah Palin

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