The Democrats Come Unhinged

We're witnessing nothing less than a full-on meltdown.

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The Democrats Come Unhinged 

September 11, 2008

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RUSH:  They're coming unhinged.  I mean, it's more unhinged than I dreamed 
possible.  She's qualified.  The only reason she's a vice president is because 
she hasn't had an abortion?  That was said by the South Carolina Democratic 
Party chairwoman, Dawn.  How must his mother feel?  You remember the 
convention, Biden said, "My mom taught me, somebody knocks you down, a bully 
knocks you down, you get up and you bloody their nose."  Do you think after 
being knocked down by Sarah Palin all these times, Biden is getting up and 
going out and saying Hillary would have been a better pick is bloodying Palin's 
nose?  His mother's gotta be sadly disappointed the way Biden's handling 
himself here.  Biden is like Wile E. Coyote.  Biden is exactly like Wile E. 
Coyote.  All of these bombs that he sets up blow up on him.  


RUSH: You know, folks, look at what's happening here in this campaign.  It's 
not just happening to the Democrats.  It is happening to the media, and I don't 
think they realize it.  Not nearly as much -- and I think some Democrats don't 
get it.  Some do.  

But when you've got people out there saying... This is pathological.  This 
defies explanation.  We have now sound bites from three Democrats saying this 
line: "Well, Jesus was a community organizer; Pontius Pilate was a governor."  
Democrats who just constantly preach about separation of church and state are 
saying this?  Steve Cohen said it on the floor of the House of Representatives 
yesterday, after the prayer that opened the session.  What did Pontius Pilate 
do?  Pontius Pilate sentenced Jesus Christ to death by virtue of crucifixion.  
They're comparing Pontius Pilate to Sarah Palin?  Just who has Sarah Palin 
sentenced to death via crucifixion?  What are they thinking?  Who is the modern 
day messiah?  Barack Obama.  Folks, I don't think they realize this. I really 
don't think they realize they're being bitten by the very beliefs and policies 
that they have.  Here you have this woman in South Carolina, the wife of Don 

Now, Don Fowler was the guy caught on an airplane going back to South Carolina 
from Denver from their convention, saying that the hurricane heading into New 
Orleans was a gift from God; showing that God was on the Democrats' side.  His 
wife comes out (she has since apologized for it) and says that Sarah Palin's 
qualification is apparently that she hasn't had an abortion.  Then you've got 
Matt Damon, a genuine celebutard with some of the most ridiculous things. We've 
got the audio sound bite. I've got the story here. Don't they understand that 
this celebrity thing has really stuck with Obama, the Drive-Bys don't like it, 
Obama doesn't like it, the accusation he's nothing more than a pop culture 
celebrity. If I'm Obama -- and Obama says he's running his campaign, by the way 
-- he says he is personally running his campaign, 2,500 employees.  Three 
hundred of them, by the way, advise him on foreign policy.  Well, he's gotta be 
sitting there saying,
 "Would you people shut up?"  Now he's got Biden out there saying that Hillary 
would have been a better choice than Biden.


Read the Background Material...

• Politico: S.C. Dem chair: Palin Primary Qualification Is She Hasn't Had An 
• ABC: Ex-Dem Chair Apologizes for Hurricane Remark
• AP: 'Like A Really Bad Disney Movie': Actor Matt Damon Condemns Sarah Palin
• FOX: Tennessee Rep. Compares Obama to Jesus, Suggests Palin is Pilate
• ABC: Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me

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